Human-technology relations conference

A critical look at technologies shaping our lives

Around 300 scholars from different disciplines have gathered at the DesignLab to discuss human-technology relations. The three-day conference that started last Wednesday has been hosting people from all over the world to discuss ethical, political, and existential implications of technologies.


Nieuw beheer, nieuwe start voor Classroom of the Future

Het eigenaarschap en beheer van Classroom of the Future komt bij DesignLab te liggen. Voorheen was die taak in handen van LISA. ‘Voor DesignLab is het eigenaarschap reden om vaart te zetten achter nieuwe initiatieven’, aldus projectmanager Miriam Iliohan.


Levend netvlies op Twentse chip

Het diagnosticeren van oogaandoeningen is een ‘berucht’ probleem, weet UT-onderzoeker Andries van der Meer. Een levend stukje netvlies op een Twentse chip biedt uitkomst. In het DesignLab gaan belanghebbenden donderdag en vrijdag met elkaar in gesprek over deze nieuwe ‘eye-on-a-chip’-technologie.

Voorinvesteringen in onderwijskwaliteit

‘Basisbeursgeld DesignLab naar onderwijsvernieuwing’

Het DesignLab kreeg de afgelopen twee jaar 2,7 miljoen begroting, vanuit de ‘voorinvesteringen’ die de UT deed van het geld dat vrijkomt door het afschaffen van de basisbeurs. Directeur DesignLab, Frank Kresin: ‘We hebben een uniek lab opgebouwd waar studenten en onderzoekers multidisciplinair aan maatschappelijke thema’s werken.’


Queer design: products beyond traditional gender norms

Are design choices perpetuating traditional gender norms? If so, how can designers consciously develop products that break off from our conventions around gender? Silas Denz, a Master student of Industrial Design Engineering, offered the ‘Queering design’ workshop in DesignLab last Friday to explore these questions.

Debate and exhibit China’s social credit system

‘It’s like turning life into a video game’

An interactive exhibit and open debate about China’s social credit system will be held in DesignLab today. This exhibition is the apex of Creative Technology student Quinton Denman’s bachelor thesis. He uses China’s credit system to exemplify ubiquitous monitoring that occurs within the Netherlands.

Urban Planning through games

Play The City

As part of the first Philosophy of the City Summer Colloquium hosted at the University of Twente, Ekim Tan offered a public lecture yesterday. The director of Amsterdam’s Play the City explained at the DesignLab how the games her company designs can offer advice on urban planning for policymakers, designers, and local citizens.

Designlab hosts first SDG DataViz Camp

‘It was a dream of mine to organise a data camp’

In the DesignLab, 36 participants from all over the world recently started working on data visualization. Organised by the UT and Statistics Netherlands (CBS), the SDG DataViz Camp allows participants to join workshops, listen to speakers and work on their assigned challenge, connected to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), over the course of a week.


The ‘man with three ears’ in Twente

Stelarc is a world famous artist and a legend in his own right. For decades he’s been pushing the limits of a human body. He swallowed a ‘Stomach Sculpture’ that could have killed him. He grew a third ear on his arm. Now he is in Enschede and will give a talk at the UT tomorrow.

DesignLab works with Sheltersuit

Urban Safety Kit to protect the homeless

Sheltersuit is a waterproof and windproof coat which can be transformed into a sleeping bag for refugees and homeless. The creation with origins in Enschede is now going to receive an upgrade – with the help of the UT’s DesignLab.

Campus Life

‘Fix Your Bike’: Adjusting to the cycling lifestyle

Over twenty broken bikes and students eager to repair them filled the DesignLab, during yesterday’s ‘Fix Your Bike’ workshop. We wandered around to find out how international students are adjusting to their new cycling lifestyle and get the organizer’s tips on how to deal with damaged bikes.

Campus Life

Spirituality meets technology

Students at DesignLab helped to develop a meditation suit, aiming to create a personalized meditation experience. The suit was showcased yesterday in the symposium on Enlightenment Through Light.

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