Remi Chandran: manage wildlife crime

Dead elephants for the ivory trade. Lions killed to prove manhood. Bush meat consumption. Wildlife crime is not only very sad for the animals (or plants!) involved and a risk to biodiversity, it also increases the spread of unknown infectious diseases. Remi Chandran is working on a transboundary monitoring system to keep officials as well informed as possible. They can then take appropriate action.


Silja Eckartz: ‘My thesis is like my home!

Congratulations to Dr. Silja Eckartz. On August 31st, she defended her dissertation successfully! Silja finished a dual PhD at EWI and MB on methods of improving cost estimations and benefits management for IT implementations in networks. She explains how her tools assist in reaching a fair distribution of costs and benefits and, as a bonus, has some advice for PhDs who still have some way to go.


Alexander Otten: Let’s get a move on!

Having limited movement control, because of brain damage of some sort, affects one’s life severely. It also affects the lives of the people surrounding the patient. There you have it: suffering from brain injuries degrades one into a patient. It means dependence. So just how great is it to solve a piece of the puzzle, to help people become independent again? Alexander Otten knows. He has been working on it for over 2 years.


Victor de Graaff: the voice of PhD candidates

A bursary system will weaken the position of PhDs as employees, and will harm the continuity of the university. Victor de Graaff opposes its introduction and is determined to make the voice of all PhDs heard: He stands as a candidate for the University Council.