
The bottom-up approach for adapting to The Netherlands, and life

An opinion article by PhD candidate Roberto Cruz Martínez. With all the reports of international students facing a multitude of problems, he offers some tips and tricks, based on his own experiences.

Opinion piece by Sevim Aktas

‘English a problem? Well, not for us students.’

The language discussion is taking its second round in ‘Let’s get more ridiculous’. Last Thursday, the court case against the UT and MU took place. ‘The house is burning but the fireman are not taking action.’ Really? What a circus, with BON in the leading role.

Students ask Students

‘At universities it should be about quality of an argument’

In this series, our student writers ask other UT students about their opinion on a variety of controversial topics. Be it on a worldwide scale or a bit smaller, these students share their food for thought. This time: The left-wing political bubble of academia.

Students ask Students

‘Sleepwet’: what do you do online?

In this series, our student writers ask other UT students about their opinion on a variety of controversial topics. Be it on a worldwide scale or a bit smaller, these students share their food for thought. This time: the Dutch law known as ‘de sleepwet’ that would allow the law enforcement to potentially track everyone’s online behaviour.

Students ask Students

Donor by default: Saving lives or defying rights?

In this series, our student writers ask other UT students about their opinion on a variety of controversial topics. Be it on a worldwide scale or a bit smaller, these students share their food for thought. This time: the Dutch organ donation law that passed this week.


UReka: ‘It’s time to make education in English understandable’

The current fraction of the University Council party UReka wrote a wake-up call to rector Thom Palstra concerning the level of English at the UT. An opinion article: ‘We are behind schedule and need to put in the effort to catch up!’


Opinion: 'I have there no words for'

Last weekend, an opinion piece appeared in the NRC by Dutch philosopher Ad Verbrugge, entitled: ‘Dutch in higher education - not Globish’ (via Blendle, via NRC). In it, he made a plea for retaining Dutch as the main teaching language for higher education. This would appear to be going against the flow, since most universities - including UT - are headed toward the introduction of English as the teaching language for all majors, even at the bachelor level. I consider his standpoint more than creditable. And anyone involved in this discussion should pay attention to his arguments.


Open letter to rector Ed Brinksma

The ‘Maagdenhuis’ in Amsterdam has been occupied. Since late last month, a large group of students and faculty of the University of Amsterdam have been in protest. They have two main demands: (1) democratising university governance, ultimately as a means of (2) driving out the obsession with financial viability taking over in academia.


Imminent Immortality

As a young person, it is easy to believe you live forever. Specially without any hardships. “Ignorance is bliss”, they say. But what if we were really immortal? What would change in your life? Your ambitions, your dreams, your fears. Does this mean that heaven is not real anymore? Or hell? And more practically: Will you be able to do your future job not just for 35 odd years but for eternity? Why study now, if you have forever?