
New party Genesis running for university council

Genesis is the name of a second new student party, running for university council. The party was founded by ITC students Michael David and Paul Ojukwu, who will be the party’s candidates for the election in two weeks. Last week it was also announced that uTOP is participating as a new party.

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New party uTOP joins in university council elections

A new party will take part in the university council elections at the end of this month: uTOP. The party focuses on active and entrepreneurial students and wants to stimulate innovation and cooperation between the UT and the industry.

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Nieuwe partij uTOP mengt zich in zetelstrijd

Een nieuwe partij doet mee aan de universiteitsraadsverkiezingen eind deze maand: uTOP. De partij richt zich op actieve en ondernemende studenten en wil innovatie en samenwerking tussen de UT en de industrie aanjagen.


Board suggests an application fee for new students

The Executive Board proposes to have an application fee for students applying at the UT. For now, the fee would be introduced as a pilot project and concern only new Master students at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS). This was suggested during the University Council meeting held today.

University Council debate

‘We all want the best for students and employees’

A public debate with all UT parties running for a seat on the University Council took place today at the O&O square. The discussion, organized by U-Today and Studium Generale, covered various topics, including language policy, TOM and work pressure.

Campus Life

University council for dummies

The student elections for the university council are being held next week. You can cast your vote digitally for a candidate of one of the three parties: UReka, DAS and the Party of the UT. Why are you allowed to vote for these students and what does the council do? Read this beginners’ guide.


Victor de Graaff: the voice of PhD candidates

A bursary system will weaken the position of PhDs as employees, and will harm the continuity of the university. Victor de Graaff opposes its introduction and is determined to make the voice of all PhDs heard: He stands as a candidate for the University Council.