PhD stories

‘I love the freedom to shape my process’

Students or researchers? PhD candidates fall into a category of their own. In this series, we put doctoral researchers of the University of Twente in the spotlight. This episode gives the stage to Tessa de Koning Gans from the Photo Catalytic Synthesis group.

PhD stories

‘PhD changed me and how I think of the world’

Students or researchers? PhD candidates fall into a category of their own. In this series, we put doctoral researchers of the University of Twente in the spotlight. This episode gives the stage to Ronald Voorn (1958) from the Communication Science department, who is defending his PhD thesis this week.

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PhD stories

‘I enjoy activism very much. Maybe too much’

Students or researchers? PhD candidates fall into a category of their own. What is it like to navigate the sometimes lonely road towards a doctoral degree? In this series, we put young academics of the University of Twente in the spotlight. This episode gives the stage to Roberto Cruz Martinez, an Information Specialist, a University Council member and PhD candidate at the UT.

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PhD stories

‘Ik reik mensen graag de hand’

Zijn het studenten of onderzoekers? Promovendi vormen zo hun eigen categorie. Hoe is het om de soms eenzame weg naar een doctorsgraad te bewandelen? In deze reeks zetten we de jonge onderzoekers van de Universiteit Twente in de schijnwerpers. Aan het woord is Roberto Cruz Martinez, informatiespecialist, universiteitsraadslid en promovendus aan de UT.

PhD stories

‘Committing four years to one topic seemed like a very long time’

Students or researchers? PhD and EngD candidates fall into a category of their own. What is it like to navigate the sometimes lonely road towards a doctoral degree? In this monthly series, we put young academics of the University of Twente in the limelight. This episode gives the stage to Dieuwertje Alblas from Mathematics of Imaging & AI chair.

PhD stories

‘It’s a great opportunity to focus on something so deeply’

Students or researchers? PhD and EngD candidates fall into a category of their own. What is it like to navigate the sometimes lonely road towards a doctoral degree? In this monthly series, we put young academics of the University of Twente in the limelight. This episode gives the stage to Anurag Kulshrestha from the department of Earth Observation Science.

PhD stories

‘I didn’t expect it to be so emotionally difficult’

Students or researchers? PhD and PDEng candidates fall into a category of their own. What is it like to navigate the sometimes lonely road towards a doctoral degree? In this monthly series, we put young academics of the University of Twente in the limelight. This episode gives the stage to Monica Pena Acosta from Construction Management & Engineering group.

PhD stories
PhD Stories: Nienke van Dongen

‘It has been a rollercoaster but I’ve enjoyed the ride’

Students or researchers? PhD and PDEng candidates fall into a category of their own. What is it like to navigate the sometimes lonely road towards a doctoral degree? In this monthly series, we put young academics of the University of Twente in the limelight. This episode gives the stage to Nienke van Dongen from the BIOS Lab-on-a-Chip chair.

PhD stories

‘I like the freedom of doing a PhD’

Students or researchers? PhD and PDEng candidates fall into a category of their own. What is it like to navigate the sometimes lonely road towards a doctoral degree? In this monthly series, we put young academics of the University of Twente in the limelight. This episode gives the stage to Sergio Alvarado Vazquez from the department of Urban and Regional Planning and Geo-Information Management.

PhD stories
Vasileios Trikalitis

‘As a PhD, you have four years when you simply cannot fail’

Students or researchers? PhD and PDEng candidates fall into a category of their own. What is it like to navigate the sometimes lonely road towards a doctoral degree? In this monthly series, we put young academics of the University of Twente in the limelight. This episode gives the stage to Vasileios Trikalitis, PhD researcher at Vascularization Lab and Product Innovation Manager at IamFluidics.

PhD stories
Aurora Ruiz Rodríguez

‘With everything I do, I want to improve someone’s life’

Students or researchers? PhD and PDEng candidates fall into a category of their own. What is it like to navigate the sometimes lonely road towards a doctoral degree? In this monthly series, we put young academics of the University of Twente in the limelight. This episode gives the stage to Aurora Ruiz Rodríguez, computer scientist from the Biomechanical Engineering group.

PhD stories

‘I truly discovered myself during my PhD’

Students or researchers? PhD and PDEng candidates fall into a category of their own. What is it like to navigate the sometimes lonely road towards a doctoral degree? In this monthly series, we put young academics of the University of Twente in the limelight. This episode gives the stage to Fardad Maghsoudi Moud from the Applied Earth Sciences department at ITC.

PhD stories

‘If there is nobody else, then I will step up and do it’

Students or researchers? PhD and PDEng candidates fall into a category of their own. What is it like to navigate the sometimes lonely road towards a doctoral degree? In this monthly series, we put young academics of the University of Twente in the limelight. This episode gives the stage to Verena Menzel from the Mathematics of Operations Research group.

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