
Cartoon #31 by LUVANE

Every other week LUVANE presents you with a freshly cooked campus cartoon. A plate full of tasty colors, flavored with a pinch of humor, and served to satisfy your sateless hunger for procrastination.

Campus Life
UT’ers over beoogd rookbeleid

Gek, betuttelend en waanzin

De UT is van plan om roken binnen afzienbare tijd te verbieden op de campus. Wat vindt de rokende student daarvan? En hoe denken de niet-rokers erover? Een rondje over de campus.

Campus Life

Animals of the campus

We are celebrating World Animal Day today by remembering a few of the ‘animal’ stories we covered over the years. From Cubicus turtles to troublemaking geese, here is a list of some of the fauna our reporters have encountered on campus.

Campus Life

UToberfest: bier, worst en Lederhosen

In de feesttent op het Ganzenveld vond gistermiddag het UToberfest plaats. Onbeperkt drinken voor 15 euro, gehuld in lederhosen, dirndl of gewoon je casual kloffie. Een concept dat menig student goed in de oren zal klinken. Een verslag.

Campus Life
UT-alumna Rosalie Fleuren over Nederlandse cabaretontwikkeling

‘Benader je álles met humor, dan verliest het impact’

Liefhebber van Hans Teeuwen? Of fan van Toon Hermans? Gisteravond sprak UT-alumna Rosalie Fleuren over de ontwikkeling van cabaret tijdens Studium Generale. Onderwerpen als vrouwen en humor en de comedy train kwamen in de Vrijhof voorbij.

De wedstrijd van de week

The race of exoskeletons

Members of the UT community battle for victory each and every week. Sometimes at the top level, sometimes in the lowest category and everything in between. In this episode of ‘the competition of the week’, we bring the story of Cybathlon, a race for bionic assistive technology such as exoskeletons.

Campus Life
Tartaros campus challenge

Cargo nets, swing-overs and lots of mud

Tartaros, the student survival run association, organised it’s yearly Campus Challenge yesterday. Over four hundred participants attended the five or eight kilometre military obstacle course including rope bridge, mud and rubber ducks. U-Today accepted the challenge.

Campus Life

Schlager music, beer and more during UToberfest

The Munich Oktoberfest boasts an average of 6 - 7 million visitors annually. This time study association Isaac Newton attempts to bring to life the German’s largest folk festival. The event will take place on the 3rd of October on campus.

Meet the teacher

Meet the teacher: Victoria Daskalova

What makes a good teacher? Where does the passion for passing on knowledge come from? In the series ‘Meet the teacher’ we focus on people who are truly dedicated to education. In this episode we introduce Victoria Daskalova, Assistant Professor in Law, Governance & Technology.

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Campus Life

Hogekamp: 'slightly expensive, but very relaxed'

The Hogekamp studios continue to be a hot topic on campus: the subject of parliamentary questions, ringing announcements on Facebook and critical newspaper columns. Particularly the costs encounter resistance. In the meantime, the first generation of residents has arrived at the former faculty building. Here are their experiences.

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Campus Life

De Hogekamp: ‘beetje duur, maar wel chill’

Kamervragen, ronkende Facebookberichten en kritische krantenkolommen: de Hogekampstudio’s houden de campusgemoederen bezig. Vooral de kosten stuiten op verzet. Intussen is de eerste lichting bewoners neergestreken in het voormalig faculteitsgebouw. Wat zijn hun ervaringen?

Campus Life
Workshop learning how to learn

‘Repetition is the key to learning’

Workshop ‘Learning how to learn’ was organized yesterday at Ravelijn by Komma, the study association of Educational Science and Technology. The event aimed to help students enhance their learning experience as a lifelong learner.

Campus Life

'Van stille borrelaars tot echte feestbeesten'

Damesdispuut STER vierde onlangs haar vijfde lustrum. De vereniging huurde een villa in Deventer om in besloten kring de verjaardag te vieren. Voorzitter en UT-student Janneke Huijben over vijfentwintig jaar Studentes Te Enschede Rebelleren, STER.

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