
Blog: train rides and waterfalls

My name is Lennart Borau, a German Bachelor’s student of Communication Science. Currently I am living my personal dream of being able to live in Brazil. In the upcoming four months, I will keep you updated about my experiences in this place 10.000 kilometres from home.


Blog: Curitiba, a city where the world meets

My name is Lennart Borau, a German Bachelor’s student of Communication Science. Currently I am living my personal dream of being able to live in Brazil. For my fifth semester, I’ve decided to study and work in a research project (related to urban planning) in the beautiful Brazilian city of Curitiba. In the upcoming four months, I will keep you updated about my experiences in this place 10.000 kilometers from home.

Students ask Students

To be active or not to be active

In this series, our student writers ask other UT students about their opinion on a variety of controversial topics. Be it on a worldwide scale or a bit smaller, these students share their food for thought. This time: Activism at the campus.

Students ask Students

Sarco Pod: euthanasia machine of the future

The first Sarco Pod, a machine in which you can be euthanized with the blink of an eye, is set to be built later this year in the Netherlands. This brings back the discussion about euthanasia. Do people have the right to choose when they want to die? And what are the consequences of such a machine?

Van de redactie

Survival of the fittest is verwerpelijk

Het tweewekelijkse commentaar van U-Today. De poging van de TU's om een Mechanical Engineering-master in Groningen te blokkeren is verwerpelijk. Bestuurders in het hoger onderwijs moeten uit hun survival of the fittest-reflex.

The Lister

Seven study life hacks

‘The Lister’ is a biweekly series created by Bas Leijser, a UT MSc-student and writer at U-Today, who seeks to create order from chaos through the use of listicles. This time, he lists the seven best study life hacks, which are also rated by Pieter Roos, teacher of the year 2017.

Van de redactie
Open brief

Minister, geef spelregels voor openbaar bestuur in hoger onderwijs

Open brief van de redactie aan minister Van Engelshoven. 'Als journalistiek afhankelijk is van wat bestuurders willen vertellen, dan is van openbaar bestuur geen sprake. Dan lopen we met LED-zaklampje door de burelen van de universiteit. Dit druist lijnrecht in tegen het "Openbaar, tenzij…" principe.'

Van de redactie
Investeer in docenten

Erkenning is meer dan een cheque

Het tweewekelijkse commentaar van U-Today. Geef de docent in het klaslokaal de erkenning die ze toekomt. Dat kan door ze tijd te geven voor hun onderwijs, en ze zicht te bieden op een volgende stap op de campus.

Students ask Students

From student life to professional career. Are you ready?

In this series, our student writers ask other UT students about their opinion on a variety of controversial topics. Be it on a worldwide scale or a bit smaller, these students share their food for thought. This time: The gap between study programs and professional career.

Opinion piece by Sevim Aktas

‘English a problem? Well, not for us students.’

The language discussion is taking its second round in ‘Let’s get more ridiculous’. Last Thursday, the court case against the UT and MU took place. ‘The house is burning but the fireman are not taking action.’ Really? What a circus, with BON in the leading role.

The Lister

Which study association has the best coffee?

‘The Lister’ is a biweekly series created by Bas Leijser, a UT MSc-student and writer at U-Today, who seeks to create order from chaos through the use of listicles. This time, he lists the best study associations and other places to get coffee at the University of Twente.

Students ask Students

Sex Robots: High Tech Human Touch

In this series, our student writers ask other UT students about their opinion on a variety of controversial topics. Be it on a worldwide scale or a bit smaller, these students share their food for thought. This time: sex robots and how they could influence our lives.

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