Pop Culture

'1984' through the eyes of a scientist

We binge-watch one Netflix show after another, we devour movies and games. Often, it is little more than mindless entertainment. Sometimes, however, it raises scientific questions. Pop culture viewed through the eyes of a scientist. This time, Kevin Macnish, Assistant Professor in Ethics and IT, shares his views on the book 1984 by George Orwell. Beware, if you haven’t read the book: spoiler alert!

New caterer review

Horst: happy taste buds, unhappy wallet

New academic year, new caterer. Since the summer, all on-campus catering is provided by Appèl. The company’s FoodCity concept brings many different food stations to the university, all freshly refurbished and unique in their offer. We decided to try them all. Our last stop is in the Horst.


Blog: tanks and the hurricane

My name is Lennart Borau, a German Bachelor’s student of Communication Science. Currently I am living my personal dream of being able to live in Brazil. In the upcoming four months, I will keep you updated about my experiences in this place 10.000 kilometres from home.

New caterer review

Theatercafé: You are not in a cafeteria anymore

New academic year, new caterer. Since the summer, all on-campus catering is provided by Appèl. The company’s FoodCity concept brings many different food stations to the university, all freshly refurbished and unique in their offer. We decided to try them all. Today we cast our critical eye on Theatercafé in the Vrijhof.

New caterer review

Spiegel: fewer choices, more Asia

New academic year, new caterer. Since the summer, all on-campus catering is provided by Appèl. The company’s FoodCity concept brings many different food stations to the university, all freshly refurbished and unique in their offer. We decided to try them all. This time we head out to the Spiegel.

New caterer review

Ravelijn: no pizza, no pasta (yet)

New academic year, new caterer. Since the summer, all on-campus catering is provided by Appèl. The company’s FoodCity concept brings many different food stations to the university, all freshly refurbished and unique in their offer. We decided to try them all. Today we will cast our critical eye on the Ravelijn.

More variety and a milk machine

New caterer review: Waaier

New academic year, new caterer. Since the summer, all on-campus catering is provided by Appèl. The company’s FoodCity concept brings many different food stations to the university, all freshly refurbished and unique in their offer. We decided to try them all. Let’s start with the cafeteria in the Waaier.



Don’t blame me if this turns out to be a lousy column. The culprits are hiding somewhere in my bedroom, drunk on my blood. Behind a curtain, atop my wardrobe and on the ceiling, they quietly wait for nightfall before resuming their attacks on my body. I did not sleep a wink last night.


Foie Gras

We waren nog maar net vertrokken, of de chauffeur vroeg me naar het telefoonnummer van het hotel. ‘Dan kunnen ze me vertellen hoe ik moet rijden’. ‘Daar gaan we weer’, dacht ik. Slingerend en langzaam rijdend belde de man het hotel, ik vroeg hem om vooral op het verkeer te letten, en na het gesprek wist hij nog niets. ‘Weet u het misschien?’ ‘Ja kijk eens’, zei ik, ‘jij bent de chauffeur, jij moet hier de weg kennen’. Na nog wat ronddwalen stopte hij naast een collega. ‘Ik heb geen idee. Stap maar over’.


Blog: train rides and waterfalls

My name is Lennart Borau, a German Bachelor’s student of Communication Science. Currently I am living my personal dream of being able to live in Brazil. In the upcoming four months, I will keep you updated about my experiences in this place 10.000 kilometres from home.


Blog: Curitiba, a city where the world meets

My name is Lennart Borau, a German Bachelor’s student of Communication Science. Currently I am living my personal dream of being able to live in Brazil. For my fifth semester, I’ve decided to study and work in a research project (related to urban planning) in the beautiful Brazilian city of Curitiba. In the upcoming four months, I will keep you updated about my experiences in this place 10.000 kilometers from home.

Students ask Students

To be active or not to be active

In this series, our student writers ask other UT students about their opinion on a variety of controversial topics. Be it on a worldwide scale or a bit smaller, these students share their food for thought. This time: Activism at the campus.

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