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Aan de borreltafel
Aan de borreltafel met… Eric Klumperink, onderzoeker Integrated Circuits Design

‘Het is een verborgen wereld’

‘Aan de borreltafel’ is een nieuwe rubriek over wetenschap. Wetenschapsjournalist Enith Vlooswijk praat met én tekent over UT-onderzoekers, die vertellen over hun vakgebied en de misvattingen die hierover bestaan. In deze tweede aflevering: Eric Klumperink, onderzoeker bij de vakgroep Integrated Circuits Design.

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Over a pint
Over a pint with... Electrical Engineering researcher Eric Klumperink

‘It is a hidden world’

‘Over a pint’ is our new series about science. UT researchers talk to science journalist Enith Vlooswijk about their field and the misconceptions that exist about it. Enith turns their input into writing and drawings. This second episode: Eric Klumperink, Electrical Engineering researcher at the Integrated Circuits Design group.

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Over a pint
Over a pint with... Electrical Engineering researcher Eric Klumperink

‘It is a hidden world’

‘Over a pint’ is our new series about science. UT researchers talk to science journalist Enith Vlooswijk about their field and the misconceptions that exist about it. Enith turns their input into writing and drawings. This second episode: Eric Klumperink, Electrical Engineering researcher at the Integrated Circuits Design group.

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Aan de borreltafel
Aan de borreltafel met… Eric Klumperink, onderzoeker Integrated Circuits Design

‘Het is een verborgen wereld’

‘Aan de borreltafel’ is een nieuwe rubriek over wetenschap. Wetenschapsjournalist Enith Vlooswijk praat met én tekent over UT-onderzoekers, die vertellen over hun vakgebied en de misvattingen die hierover bestaan. In deze tweede aflevering: Eric Klumperink, onderzoeker bij de vakgroep Integrated Circuits Design.

Buitenpromovenda Siri Beerends over

De (on)menselijkheid van algoritmes

In een tijd waarin de overheid experimenteert met algoritmes, laat buitenpromovenda Siri Beerends van zich horen. Als cultuursocioloog en buitenpromovenda aan de faculteit BMS kijkt zij kritisch naar ons vertrouwen in algoritmes. ‘Het is gevaarlijk om te denken dat computers objectief zijn. De systemen die we maken, hebben precies dezelfde vooroordelen als wij.’


Healthy eating is happy eating

Happy Eating. Not a wish for a nice lunch, but a new research line developed at the UT. ‘It’s about promoting healthy eating by making it more attractive,’ explains Janet van den Boer, one of the involved scientists and the initiator of the ‘Happy Eating Event’ held in the TechMed Centre on the 24th of March.


Making mental healthcare more inclusive

A UT research team led by Matthijs Noordzij is starting a project to design ‘compassionate’ technology for mental healthcare. ‘Over a million people seek out mental healthcare in the Netherlands every year. Waiting lists are long, costs are high. Technology has been designed to help these patients, but successful implementation has proven difficult,’ explains Noordzij.


‘There are too many disturbing stories’

Rape, physical abuse, no legal protection. Beza Nisrane has heard stories of such traumatic experiences from all the women she interviewed for her PhD research. Today she is defending her thesis and hopes that it can help these women.

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Over a pint

‘Conducting research is like solving a murder case’

‘Over a pint’ is our new series about science. UT researchers talk to science journalist Enith Vlooswijk about their field and the misconceptions that exist about it. Enith turns their input into writing and drawings. In this first episode: Lis Nanver, Professor of Electronic components, Technology and Materials.

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Aan de borreltafel

‘Onderzoek doen is als oplossen van een moordzaak’

‘Aan de borreltafel’ is een nieuwe rubriek over wetenschap. Wetenschapsjournalist Enith Vlooswijk praat met én tekent over UT-onderzoekers, die vertellen over hun vakgebied en de misvattingen die hierover bestaan. In deze eerste aflevering: Lis Nanver, hoogleraar elektronische componenten, technologie en materialen.

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Aan de borreltafel

‘Onderzoek doen is als oplossen van een moordzaak’

‘Aan de borreltafel’ is een nieuwe rubriek over wetenschap. Wetenschapsjournalist Enith Vlooswijk praat met én tekent over UT-onderzoekers, die vertellen over hun vakgebied en de misvattingen die hierover bestaan. In deze eerste aflevering: Lis Nanver, hoogleraar elektronische componenten, technologie en materialen.

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Over a pint

‘Conducting research is like solving a murder case’

‘Over a pint’ is our new series about science. UT researchers talk to science journalist Enith Vlooswijk about their field and the misconceptions that exist about it. Enith turns their input into writing and drawings. In this first episode: Lis Nanver, Professor of Electronic components, Technology and Materials.


Attractive hosts charge more on Airbnb

Would you like to charge more for your Airbnb listing? Make sure you look pretty in your profile photo. A study by UT researcher Mariëlle Stel and colleagues shows that consumers pay more for accommodation offered by attractive hosts.


Morphing helps criminals across the border

Digitally altering your face is all the rage. Think of those popular ageing apps that you can use to find out what you will look like when you are old. Did you know that criminals use so-called face morph apps to illegally travel across the border? Luuk Spreeuwers, associate professsor in the Data Science department, is researching this computer technology.


Using AI to improve education at the UT

Sometimes, the work of Hightech Business & Entrepreneurship researchers strays beyond the boundaries of what you would expect from the department. Sometimes it could even prove to be more beneficial and even applicable for the university itself. That is the case with the work of Efthymios Constantinides, Rudy Oude Vrielink and Adina Aldea.

Srinivas Vanapalli and his research into cryogenics


For many people, the word ‘cryogenics’ prompts sci-fi movie flashbacks and images of human bodies being frozen just to be brought back to life hundreds of years later. While that might not be possible, cryogenic engineering relates to many useful and often groundbreaking applications. UT scientist Srinivas Vanapalli, who leads the only cryogenics research group in the Netherlands, is working on some of them. Including a method to ‘freeze and destroy’ tumor cells.

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