Trees shine a light on climate change

The breathing planet

Plants and trees are not passive victims of climate change; instead, they play an active role in the composition of our atmosphere. With the help of FLEX, a new type of satellite, the European Space Agency will study the impact of Earth’s plant life on climate change. ITC researcher Christiaan van der Tol is involved in the project.


Rough bowl = saltier chips

Scientists at the University of Twente figured out a new way to make food taste saltier. Not by actually adding salt, but by changing the texture of the bowl the food is served in. In a recent paper, UT researchers Thomas van Rompay and Sara Groothedde show that rough and irregular texture makes chips ‘seem’ saltier.


‘Science is not just an opinion’

You might know Wytske Versteeg as the author of award winning novels. As it happens, she is also a PhD candidate at the University of Twente. Today she is defending her doctoral thesis which explores how people treat science in comparison to other knowledge sources.

Science & Technology Magazine

Recovery of energy and materials from waste

Flash pyrolysis, a mild heat treatment lasting just a few seconds, is becoming an important recycling tool. The University of Twente is leading in this promising technology that contributes to the circular economy, since a wide variety of waste streams can be well recycled. Organic waste streams, paper sludge, car tires, and in the near future maybe even composite materials can be effectively separated into energy and valuable reusable materials.

Science & Technology Magazine

The mystery inside our head

I’m using it to write this story. To construct sentences, to move my fingers across the keyboard, to breathe. Yet, I have no clue how. ‘It’ does it all, but I - nor anybody else - know how it functions. The brain. Why is it that we still don’t understand this black box inside our heads?

Science & Technology Magazine

Making the world our playground

Should we simply accept that playing is just for kids running around and teenagers with video game consoles? Or can gamification help bring out our ‘inner child’, when games blend over to our adult world? Researchers Robby van Delden and Robert Wendrich discuss the concept of gamification.

Promotieonderzoek aan de UT

Gemeentesites ontoegankelijk voor mensen met beperking

Websites van gemeenten moeten in 2021 volgens de wet toegankelijk zijn voor mensen met een beperking. Uit onderzoek van Eric Velleman, die vandaag promoveert aan de UT, blijkt dat een overgroot deel van de Nederlandse gemeenten nog niet voldoet aan de toegankelijkheidseisen.

Norman Kerle on publishing papers and Open Access

‘You always need a plan’

‘Traditional publishers have abused the situation and outsourced most work to the researcher,’ says Norman Kerle. The ITC professor is one of the speakers at today’s seminar ‘How to write a great research paper, and get it accepted’.


‘Europe should care more about its digital sovereignty’

The US Department of Homeland Security and NWO have launched collaborative cybersecurity research. It involves four U.S.-Dutch research teams – one of which is at the UT. ‘I’m happy about this collaboration, but I believe Europe should not completely trust the US. I’m concerned about the digital sovereignty of Europe,’ says UT professor Aiko Pras.

Flexibility of Master’s programmes under the microscope

‘Learning is my main spare time activity’

Nelleke van Adrichem-Rotteveel is not your typical PhD candidate. She’s conducted her doctoral research on ‘flexibility and coherence of Master’s programmes’ only in her spare time. Which is why it took her ten years of hard work to complete her thesis which she is defending today.


Beesten van magneten

Terwijl wij hier steggelen over kerncentrales en windmolens, sleutelen wetenschappers in Frankrijk overstoorbaar verder aan ITER, de grootste experimentele kernfusiereactor ter wereld. De vakgroep Energy, Materials and Systems van hoogleraar Arend Nijhuis werkt al jaren mee aan het kloppend hart van de reactor: zes onvoorstelbaar grote magneten. Voormalig UT-onderzoeker Yury Ilin coördineert het onderzoek aan de magneten ter plaatse.


‘Buy less, use what you buy’

The ‘Planetary Accounting Network’ (PAN) was officially launched last week. It aims to answer the question: How much natural resources can we use to stay within Earth’s limits and to keep a healthy planet? UT professor Arjen Hoekstra is one of the founders of the PAN.

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