
Opening up a path for solar hydrogen

Solar-hydrogen technologies could provide the sustainable energy source of the future. How do we ensure that they are used in our everyday lives? Together with experts from all over the world, UT researcher David Fernandez Rivas answers this question - in an article that made it onto the October cover of the prestigious journal Energy & Environmental Science.


ITC researcher helps to plan human missions to the Moon

Although Oscar Kamps focuses on studying Mars, the PhD candidate has contributed to a recent paper at ScienceDirect describing human exploration of another astronomical object - the Moon.


Delivering food for science

When people see Jeroen Meijerink in his bright green ‘Uber Eats’ deliveryman outfit, they wonder whether the UT scientist switched career paths. ‘No,’ answers the Assistant Professor of Human Resource Management, ‘it’s part of my research.’


Gig economy: the problematic future of work?

Uber, Deliveroo and Amazon Mechanical Turk. They are all examples of the ‘gig’ economy, in which people don’t get contracts and salaries, but are paid for their short ‘gigs’. Although it could revolutionize industries, it also has many troubling aspects. Three UT scientists have started a new research initiative to explore this possibly problematic future of work.


Huishoudrobots en valdetectie: handig, maar niets voor mij

Dankzij slimme sensoren en robots kunnen ouderen langer thuis blijven wonen. Eén probleem: zitten senioren wel te wachten op deze nieuwe technologie? UT-onderzoekster Christina Jaschinski geeft het antwoord in haar proefschrift dat ze vandaag, op Nationale Ouderendag, verdedigt.


Onderzoek naar internetgedrag potentiële UT-studenten

Het gebruik van ‘behavioral targeting’ om studenten te werven: vier masterstudenten Business Administration gingen met dit onderwerp aan de slag. Ze kregen geanonimiseerde data van Marketing en Communicatie, voerden een analyse uit en willen aanbevelingen doen om toekomstige UT-studenten met meer succes naar Twente te halen.


‘Hurricane Florence is a “live test” of my hypothesis’

Hurricane Florence is wreaking havoc in North and South Carolina, causing major flooding as we speak. For UT researcher Koen de Koning this represents a unique opportunity to ‘live test’ his hypothesis on how flood risk impacts the housing market and poverty in these U.S. states, where he’s conducted his research.

Cover story Science & Technology Magazine

Drones: saviors or slaughterbots?

Will we be the last generation that can see a totally clear sky? A sky that isn’t filled with flying, buzzing, blinking, surveilling and even rocket-launching drones? Let’s explore the intricate spectrum of good and bad; of drones being the saviors we want them to be, or the slaughterbots we fear them to become.


'I knew that I had found the answer'

The eureka moment, the moment when you have a brilliant idea or a sudden discovery. We asked UT researchers about their eureka experience.

Science & Technology Magazine

Growing miniature hearts in a petri dish

Heart disease is still the number one cause of death in the western world. Robert Passier, Chair of the Department of Applied Stem Cell Technology, and his team study these diseases using heart cells growing in a petri dish. This year, he received a 675.000 euros ZonMW subsidy to further develop these in vitro systems. ‘We aim to develop extremely realistic in vitro models by growing sophisticated miniature hearts that resemble mature heart cells.’

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22 million for 4TU collaboration

Research with a social impact

Conducting research together to resolve social issues. That is the challenge that the 4TU federation posed to the four participating technical universities, along with a research budget of €22 million. UT professors Tatiana Filatova, Herman van der Kooij and Michel Versluis are at the head of three of the five 4TU studies.

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22 miljoen voor samenwerking 4TU

Onderzoek met maatschappelijke impact

Samen onderzoek doen om maatschappelijke problemen op te lossen. Dat is de uitdaging die de 4TU-federatie heeft neergelegd bij de vier technische universiteiten, met een pot onderzoeksgeld van 22 miljoen. UT-hoogleraren Tatiana Filatova, Herman van der Kooij en Michel Versluis staan aan het hoofd van drie van de vijf 4TU-onderzoeken.


Unique motor can improve cancer diagnosis

PneuAct is a pneumatic stepper motor developed by UT researcher Foad Sojoodi Farimani. It’s one of a kind – it is fully 3D printed, very fast, highly precise and it’s the cheapest of all similar motors out there. It can improve cancer diagnosis, be used in radioactive environments and even for space exploration.

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