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Cybercrime: de onzichtbare wapenwedloop

Wat als… vliegvelden platliggen, het openbaar vervoer totaal ontregeld is, supermarkten niets meer kunnen inkopen omdat hun systemen offline zijn gehaald? Dan heb je totale maatschappelijke chaos. Welkom in de wereld die je niet ziet, de wereld van cybercrime en de mensen die ons ertegen verdedigen. Voordat het écht te laat is.

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Cybercrime: New Cold War

What if… airports are shut down, public transport is in disarray, and supermarkets are unable to restock their shelves because their systems have been taken offline? It would result in complete social chaos. Welcome to a world you cannot see: the world of cybercrime and the people who defend us against it. Before it really is too late.


Let’s talk about… sex robots and teledildos

Intimate technology, sex robots and teledildonics. It sounds exciting – maybe even arousing to some – but what is it all about? This evening, UT scientists share different points of view on the topic of intimate technology, during the ThingsCon Salon event in the DesignLab.


Safe drinking water for developing countries

Together with partners, UT membrane scientists headed by Erik Roesink and Wiebe de Vos, have developed a unique membrane to purify drinking water. The membrane not only removes water-borne bacteria, but also inactivates viruses. The simple design combined with state of the art technology is cost-effective and easy to operate.


Filter bubbles, a threat to online democracy?

Who determines what you see online? You? Or are you merely a puppet in the hands of internet giants such as Google and Facebook? With the help of clever algorithms, these organisations know exactly what you are looking for.


Floods in Houston: Could this happen in Twente?

Hurricane Harvey has been devastating Texas, pummeling Houston with more rain in two days than the city normally sees in a year. The disaster has affected millions of people and experts fear the worst is yet to come. What made this particular storm so powerful and could a similar disaster also occur in Twente? The manager of the Twente Water Center Kris Lulofs offers answers to these questions.


Experiment: rector rijdt VR-rondjes

Een prominent proefpersoon, een VR-systeem en een ‘zelfrijdende’ dienstauto van het college van bestuur. Dat waren de ingrediënten voor een onderzoek maandagmiddag, op de parkeerplaats bij IJsbaan Twente. Rector Thom Palstra nam deel aan het experiment van de vakgroep Human Media Interaction (HMI).


A fresh wind is blowing in sustainable energy

It looks heavy at first glance. Yet, the elongated steel plate that physicist Marc Dhallé shows us in his ultramodern lab is the lightest power coil for large windmills in existence. Intended for a new generation of ultra-lightweight wind turbines, this coil was designed in a record time of one and a half years at the University of Twente.


Everyday Science: the beer volcano

Do you ever take the time in your busy life to wonder about everyday phenomena? Things that are self-evident to us, or just a handy trick, perhaps? Nevertheless, such phenomena always require a scientific explanation. In Everyday Science a UT researcher sheds light on an everyday topic.


Popster voor de wetenschap

Steeds vaker verlaten wetenschappers hun ivoren toren om hun onderzoek bekend te maken bij een groot publiek. Zo ook de UT’ers Khiet Truong, Richard Ruitenburg en Stefano Stramiogli.


Clean drinking water, always and everywhere

‘Using membranes for the treatment of water is nothing new. Traditional technology to remove pollutants from water is based on techniques that are more than hundred years old, so surely there must be a better way to do it,’ says Walter van der Meer, newly appointed part-time professor at the UT, who will present his inaugural lecture tomorrow.


(Bio)artificial organs: The future of medicine?

A treatment of diabetes without injections, or a solution for patients with chronic kidney disease that doesn’t require a dialysis at the hospital. Those are only two possible examples of how (bio)artificial organs could change people’s lives.


Video: waarom falen (sociale) robots?

Waarom falen (sociale) robots in hun taak? Of zijn onze verwachtingen veel te hooggespannen, na jaren van 'Hollywood'-droombeelden? Edwin Dertien, UT-onderzoeker en 'adoptievader' van sociale robots, geeft antwoord in dit video-item.

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