Business & Career

'As a consultant, I use my brain in a practical matter'

Inspiring customers, excelling in their jobs, and working together in a close-knit team. That is what the consultants at Unica ICT Solutions do. Each day, using Microsoft solutions, the team strives to help their customers. They plan ahead, often by thinking rationally, but also by following their professional intuition. Two consultants told us more about their careers.

Business & Career

Technisch Traineeship ProRail

Annemiek en Mark volgen een technisch traineeship bij ProRail. En zo’n traineeship biedt veel mogelijkheden, keuzevrijheid en ruimte voor je eigen inbreng. ‘Werken bij ProRail betekent dat je een plek krijgt in een omgeving waar veel mogelijkheden liggen op het gebied van techniek, maar ook dat je een rol speelt in het maatschappelijk belang.’

Business & Career

‘Veel aandacht voor kwaliteit bij het CBS’

Het CBS brengt jaarlijks cijfers, nieuwsberichten en rapporten naar buiten. Over uiteenlopende onderwerpen. Van financiën, verkeer en vervoer tot welzijn en gezondheid. Ook wetenschappelijke artikelen zijn afkomstig van het CBS. Hoe is het om te werken bij deze onderzoeksinstelling? Fannie Cobben en Jacqueline van Beuningen vertellen er meer over.

Business & Career

‘Done with learning? Certainly not at TNO’

Nora Fahrenfort is a system engineer at the Quantum Technology department of TNO. There, she helps to make quantum technology usable for the daily applications of the future. Wessel van der Deijl is junior innovator wind energy at the Energy Transition. He made a conscious choice in opting for the variety of projects at the company.

Business & Career

‘It’s not all about technology’

Rens van den Braber has been working as a System Architect at the NTS Campus in Eindhoven for over five years. His working domain spans all processes that encompass the activities to define, develop and produce a new or improved product for his customers.

Business & Career

A digital map of each plant

Which plant flourishes best? Of course, you could assess this with the naked eye. However, with digital phenotyping you can perform much more precise measurements on plants. This is important for breeders, who like to know which varieties are larger, more beautiful, tastier, or more resistant to pests and diseases. KeyGene in Wageningen has many years of experience in the field of digital phenotyping .

Business & Career

4TU offers Research and Master Programmes

4TU represents the cooperation between four technical universities in Delft, Eindhoven, Enschede, and Wageningen. By combining, strengthening, and utilising knowledge and creativity to its full potential in the technology sector, the federation contributes to solving current societal challenges.

Business & Career

​​​​​​​‘Always embrace a new challenge’

Vittorio Maio is an enthusiastic Mathematical Engineer with a passion for finance. His driving values are teamwork and commitment. Born in Rome he now feels at home in Amsterdam, working as a senior consultant at Deloitte. He claims: ‘I believe in a working environment governed by enthusiasm, passion and empathy.’

Business & Career

Planningsuitdagingen bij VMI

Een spin in het web, zo voelt Jeroen Evers zich als Coordinator Operations Control bij VMI in Epe. Hij studeerde Industrial Engineering & Management aan de UT. Een studie waar planning een groot onderdeel is. ‘De praktijk is echter weerbarstiger dan de modellen’, zegt hij. ‘Mijn opgedane programmeerkennis kan ik bij het maken van de projectplanningen goed gebruiken.’

Business & Career

‘Learn, gather work experience and get paid’

Ravi Thakkar successfully finished his data science PDEng program at the beginning of this year. The academic director had a little surprise for him at the graduation ceremony. Ravi was the 3000th PDEng candidate to get his diploma.

Business & Career

From a combat engineer to an engineer at ALTEN

Although you can be convinced of your future at the age of 18, it can look very different after a while. We are talking to Arnold Schutter; he works as a Business Manager at ALTEN, but wanted nothing more than to work for the Ministry of Defence when he was 18.

Business & Career

‘Many opportunities to further develop yourself’

Koen Demkes (29) made a flying career start at Kramp, one of the largest and fastest growing technical wholesalers in Europe and transforming into an e-business company. Koen started in Kramp’s international traineeship programme which gave him the opportunity to further develop himself very quickly.

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