
New University Innovation Fellows introduce themselves

The UT has four new University Innovation Fellows (UIF). These active students, who are participating in the Stanford UIF program, held a Stakeholders Meeting yesterday to present their ideas on how to further improve the University of Twente.


Brutally honest, partying hard

Dozens of international students attended the Connect Workshop in the DesignLab yesterday. Aimed at those who seek to stay in the Netherlands after the conclusion of their studies, the meeting examined what intercultural challenges might arise when students face the Dutch labour market.


A Day in the Life of: Sevim Aktas

Sevim Aktas is the definition of an active student. She is the president of the UT Model UN, a Stanford University Innovation Fellows candidate, a Dream Team member and, of course, a student following courses. How does she manage to fit all of this into one day? We followed her to find out.

Campus Life

‘Even uit de theorie, en werken aan iets goeds’

Grote wereldproblemen klein maken. Zo’n vijftig studenten werken in groepjes aan één van de doelen van de Global Goals Jam in het DesignLab. Niet voor studiepunten of prijzengeld. ‘Maar omdat het mooi is om praktisch en goeds te doen.’


Global Goals Jam: ‘Think big, start small’

‘Think big, start small.’ That is the main idea behind the Global Goals Jam, which is being hosted in the DesignLab on the 15th and 16th of September. During this two-day event, UT students can form groups to think of solutions for big United Nations (UN) issues like poverty, hunger and education.

On the spot

‘I love being around researchers but I don’t want to be one’

We work next to each other almost every day, but how well do we really know our colleagues? U-Today is curious about the personal stories of the UT support and management staff and we bring you these stories in this series ‘On the spot’. In this episode we introduce Flavia Carvalho de Souza, who is responsible for the First Line Support in the DesignLab.

Campus Life

‘Het internet explodeert straks’

Om de groei en mogelijkheden van het internet in goede banen te leiden, heeft de Europese Commissie (EC) het Next Generation Internet (NGI) initiatief in het leven geroepen. Frank Kresin, directeur DesignLab, organiseert er donderdag 6 juli een workshop over.

Campus Life

Tosti Tuesdays

Free tostis and a short ‘Ted’ talk followed by a lively discussion. Those are Tosti Tuesdays alias Tosti Talks organized in and by the DesignLab.


New art piece ‘SquareWave’ unveiled

‘SquareWave’ is a new unique art piece decorating the DesignLab. The installation, created by Edwin Dertien and Paul Klotz, was unveiled today.


Wyss-directeur Ingber: 'Durf strategisch te beslissen'

Dat hij de baas is, daar is geen twijfel over mogelijk. Donald Ingber leidt het gerenommeerde Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering van de Harvard University. Een advies aan de UT: ‘Als je in de top league wilt meedoen, moet je strategische beslissen durven nemen.’


Frank Kresin: Maker of Change

‘I want the DesignLab to play an important role in lives of students and researchers. I want to empower them to become makers of change who realize that they are building the society of the future,’ says Frank Kresin, the new Managing Director of the DesignLab.


‘Wij verkopen 323 bierflesjes per seconde’

Ramses Dingenouts is senior packaging & identity design manager bij Heineken en verantwoordelijk voor de branding van het biermerk. Hij deelde gisteren zijn kennis tijdens een avondlezing in het DeisgnLab en maakte duidelijk dat een goed productdesign essentieel is.

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