
Victory for Green Team Twente in London

Green Team Twente won the Shell Eco Marathon in their Urban Concept category yesterday. Today, the team is going for the icing on the cake, by trying to win the Drivers’ World Championship, on the same track in London.

Green Team Twente

Green Team in the lead at the Shell Eco Marathon

The Green Team Twente is currently in the lead at the Shell Eco Marathon (SEM) held in the UK this week. After the first day of racing yesterday, the UT student team holds the best result in their category.

Green Team Twente
Newest hydrogen car

Green Team presents Aurora Two

‘Aurora Two’ has been revealed to the public. The newest hydrogen-powered car of the Green Team Twente was presented tonight at Kolenaar Mazda in Enschede. ‘We improved and believe we should be able to be at the top.’


Proeftuin met tiny houses op campus

Green Team Twente wil zorgen dat de campus aan het eind van dit jaar enkele ‘tiny houses’ rijk is. Het studententeam werkt daarvoor samen met de dienst Campus & Facility Management, met als doel om onderzoekers, bedrijven en studenten samen aan duurzaamheid te laten werken.

Green Team Twente

'Everyone cried a little'

The Shell Eco Marathon has ended, and so has the yearlong journey of the Green Team Twente. Not exactly with a 'bang', one might say. After the student team failed to set a valid result during the race on Saturday, the mood was rather low. How are they looking back at their experience now?

Green Team Twente

Green Team wins Communications Award

The Green Team Twente just won the Communications Award at the Shell Eco Marathon (SEM) in London. This means that even though they weren't able to set any valid result during the race itself, they are coming home with a trophy and a cash prize of €2,500.

Green Team Twente

Green Team out of competition

The Green Team Twente is out of the competition at the Shell Eco Marathon (SEM). After four failed attempts, the student team wasn't able to secure any official position at the race today in London.

Green Team Twente

The ladies behind the wheel

The Shell Eco Marathon (SEM) is starting tomorrow in London. The entire Green Team Twente has spent a year preparing for it, yet now their hydrogen car Aurora One is mainly in the hands of Nienke van der Werf and Isabel Koopman, the team’s two drivers.

Green Team Twente

Hard road to the Shell Eco Marathon

Stress, broken car parts, long working days, tight deadlines… those are also things that the Green Team Twente needs to deal with. All of it is intensified now, just a few short days before the grand finale of the team’s year: the Shell Eco Marathon in London.

Green Team Twente
Green Team presents their new car

Aurora One makes its first public appearance

The Green Team Twente unveiled their newest hydrogen car today in the Grolsch Veste. It carries the name Aurora One. With its green colour and brand-new aerodynamic design, it’s very different from its predecessors.

Road to 2018

Green Team ‘has to win again’, but with a lot faster car

The five UT student teams are preparing for 2018. What can we expect from the RoboTeam, Green Team Twente, Electric Superbike, Solar Boat and Solar Team? In the second episode of this five-part series: Green Team Twente on their way to the Shell Eco Marathon held in July 2018 in London.


Nieuwe werkplaats studententeams geopend

Met het doorknippen van een stalen ketting werd de Future Factory afgelopen vrijdag geopend. De studententeams, Electric Superbike Twente en Green Team Twente, vinden er hun onderkomen. De werkplaats zit aan de Auke Vleerstraat.

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