Green Team Twente

Green Team Twente becomes green

This year’s Green Team Twente was introduced yesterday at a Kick-off event in Rijssen. Besides its brand-new members, the student team presented many other changes: a new aerodynamic design of their hydrogen car, a new workplace and a new official color.

Green Team Twente

Another big win for the Green Team Twente!

The Green Team Twente ended their stay in London with a bang! The UT students just won the Communication Award at the Shell Eco Marathon, adding another great victory to their collection!

Green Team Twente

Green Team Twente wins!

Green Team Twente won the Shell Eco Marathon! It wasn't an easy journey, but even after many difficulties and setbacks, the UT team made its way to the top.

Green Team Twente

Exploring the Shell Eco Marathon

'This event is about creating the most efficient vehicles in the world. No more, no less,' says Norman Koch, the Technical Director of the Shell Eco Marathon (SEM). Sounds simple enough, but what exactly does this race entail?

Green Team Twente

Day #1 of the Shell Eco Marathon: 'Sad, but positive'

It's another sunny day in London, but unfortunately there have been some dark clouds gathering above the Green Team. Their first official race day at the Shell Eco Marathon has been full of stress, hard work and a few disappointments.

Green Team Twente

Green Team off to a great start in London

One team. One hydrogen car. One whole year of preparations. And one chance to win. Shell Eco Marathon has started and the Green Team Twente is giving its all to succeed in this large international race. U-Today is following the team in London to get you the latest updates.

Green Team Twente

Green Team: On the way to London #2

Shell Eco Marathon is only a few days away and the Green Team Twente is currently getting ready for this huge event, which is taking place this week in London. U-Today is following them every step of the way and we wanted to know what and who it takes to make a hydrogen car of the future.

Green Team Twente

Green Team: On the way to London #1

Hundreds of student teams and hundreds of innovative cars, but only one chance to win. That is the Shell Eco Marathon, the biggest eco race in Europe. The Green Team Twente is ready for the challenge. This week they will enter their new hydrogen car H2∞ in the Shell Eco Marathon (SEM) in London with the hopes of scoring one of the top three spots.

Green Team Twente

Green Team presents H2∞

The Green Team Twente has just revealed their brand-new hydrogen car. Its name is H2∞ and it differs from its predecessors in several aspects. Among other innovations, H2∞ is equipped with a new gearbox, a clutch and a new Formula 1 inspired steering wheel – all added to help the UT team claim one of the top three spots in the upcoming Shell Eco Marathon.


Studententeams onderweg naar 2017

Twee teams strijden al jaren mee in de wereldtop; de andere twee komen net kijken. De gevestigde orde – het Twentse Solar Team en Green Team – krijgt bijval van de nieuwe spelers, Solar Boat en RoboTeam, om in 2017 bij wedstrijden de Twentse eer te verdedigen. Een overzicht van de vier teams.

Green Team Twente

‘The car should be like a reliable husband’

The new Green Team Twente officially started working this September. Just like their predecessors, the new team members have to create a new hydrogen car to enter the Shell Eco Marathon. What are their plans and hopes for the upcoming year?


Green Team: ‘Afgepeigerd, maar heel blij’

‘We zijn afgepeigerd, maar tegelijkertijd ook heel blij met het behaalde resultaat.’ Het Green Team Twente eindigde afgelopen weekend op de derde plek bij de Shell Eco Marathon in Londen.

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