On the spot

‘I’m an adventurous traveler’

We work next to each other almost every day, but how well do we really know our colleagues? U-Today is curious about the personal stories of the UT support and management staff and we bring you these stories in this series ‘On the spot’. In this episode we introduce Tina Tian, Student Admission Officer at ITC.


ITC kicks off its academic year

The traditional ceremony 'Opening Academic Programme' of the ITC Faculty was held yesterday in the Muziekcentrum in Enschede. This annual event might have been last of its kind.


ITC is helping in Mosul

The ITC Faculty of the University of Twente is helping with the current situation in Mosul, a city in Iraq that has recently been liberated from Islamic State. ITC has been collaborating with the local Iraqi branch of the World Health Organization (WHO) for the past year, helping WHO to identify the best locations for field hospitals in Mosul.


UT researcher fights to save elephants

Thousands of elephants in Africa still get killed by poachers. ITC researcher Festus Ihwagi is actively fighting to make this stop and to protect these majestic creatures. His weapon of choice? Technology.

Meet the teacher

Meet the teacher: Gabriel Parodi

What makes a good teacher? Where does the passion for passing on knowledge come from? In the series ‘Meet the teacher’ we focus on people who are truly dedicated to education. In this episode we introduce Gabriel Parodi, hydrologist and an experienced lecturer from the Department of Water Resources at ITC.


Nieuwe ITC-master start een jaar later

De nieuwe ITC-master Spatial Engineering gaat niet in september van start, maar een jaar later. De opleiding slaagde er niet in om op tijd voldoende studenten uit verschillende disciplines en met verschillende achtergronden te binden.


Marina van Damme award: UT alumna starts a revolution in Zimbabwe

Moreblessings Shoko became this year’s winner of the Marina van Damme award. This ambitious UT graduate aims to empower girls in Zimbabwe by using drones. Drones that will fly to rural areas of her home country and provide girls with sanitary pads, and therefore the chance to go to school.


The ‘Dutch touch’ in Human Cities Coalition

Making cities more livable: that is the ambition of the Human Cities Coalition, a large partnership of organizations that also includes the University of Twente. Although the coalition will not officially be launched until tomorrow, its general goal is clear: it focuses on megacities, such as Jakarta and Manila, and aims to improve the local infrastructure and access to basic services for people living in slums.


Topopleidingen: ‘Topsport op ieders eigen niveau’

Succes moet gevierd worden. Dat geldt zeker voor de masterstudies die vandaag te horen kregen topopleiding te zijn. Sommige opleidingen zelfs een paar jaar op rij. Wat is de sleutel tot hun succes?


SMARTseeds: Helping farmers in Indonesia

‘The ultimate goal of the SMARTseeds project is to improve income of at least 100.000 farmers in Indonesia,’ ITC researcher Wietske Bijker describes a big international project that aims to provide information services for vegetable farmers.

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Meet the teacher

Meet the Teacher: Iris van Duren

Wat maakt een docent goed? Waar haalt iemand de passie vandaan de soms stoffige stof boeiend te brengen? In de rubriek ‘Meet the teacher’ stellen we je voor aan de mensen met hart voor onderwijs. Deze negende aflevering: Iris van Duren, universitair docent bij het Natural Resources-departement (ITC).

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Meet the teacher

Meet the Teacher: Iris van Duren

What makes a good teacher? Where does the passion for passing on knowledge come from? In the series ‘Meet the teacher’ we focus on people who are truly dedicated to education. In this episode we introduce Iris van Duren, assistant professor at the ITC department of Natural Resources.


‘Each tree is valuable’

‘Water shortage is a big issue in Iran, which is why it is important to make the optimal decisions regarding water allocation - to every single tree,’ Milad Mahour explains why he developed a method able to detect individual trees using satellite images.

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