
Like father, like son(s)

Before moving to the US for thirty years, Ed Jonker studied Applied Mathematics at the UT. Now the alumnus is back in Enschede and, while still telecommuting to his job near New York, he is considering to return to his alma mater – as a student. If that happens, he would be a classmate of his two sons, who have both chosen to study at the University of Twente.

Business & Career

‘Demand for electronics continues to grow’

Even as a child, Robert Brookhuis was fascinated by how electric devices work. After earning his higher education bachelor’s and master’s degree in electrical engineering, he wanted more: a PhD, specialising in Microsystems. Today, he can put his knowledge and experience into practice every day at Prodrive in Eindhoven.

Alumna Lieke Asma

‘There is no evidence that free will does not exist’

UT alumna Lieke Asma has been working in Munich for more than six months now. She is a philosopher and is conducting research into self-development at the Hochschule für Philosophie, an institution founded by the order of the Jesuits. ‘I know that the combination of philosophy and religion can quickly lead to negative views.’

Alumna Ank Bijleveld

‘Ik ben niet zo bang aangelegd’

CDA-politica Ank Bijleveld is de eerste UT-alumnus die het tot minister schopt. En dan ook nog eens op een zware post: Defensie. ‘Ik moest er wel even over nadenken toen ik gevraagd werd. Het is totaal buiten mijn comfortzone’, zegt ze.


‘You just need the balls to switch’

She describes herself as nonconformist and ambitious. Her life and career certainly confirm these words, but another one should be added: courageous. Although she admits that ‘swimming against the current can be difficult’, Jealemy Galindo has always followed her gut feeling. Even when it told her that - after spending her whole adult life in a lab - it was time to quit academia, get an MBA degree in Madrid and work for a start-up in Zurich.


Eerbetoon aan Garmt van Soest: 'Alle clichés zijn waar'

UT-alumnus Garmt van Soest (1977-2017) overleed vorige week aan de gevolgen van de spierziekte ALS. Als eerbetoon aan Garmt en zijn moedige en zware strijd tegen de spierziekte, publiceert U-Today vandaag opnieuw het in 2015 gepubliceerde interview.


A digital firefighter

His childhood dream of becoming a firefighter didn’t quite come true. When he goes to work, he wears a suit, not a firemen’s uniform. Yet, he does fight fires. They might be less physically violent, but they are equally burning and capable of disrupting our entire society. UT alumnus Rogier van Wanroij is a cyber security expert working at the Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice.


From UT to the Dutch embassy in Malaysia

How does a student of physics become a diplomat? That might be the first question that comes to mind when you look at Karin Mossenlechner’s resume. Born and raised in Enschede, this UT alumna studied Physics in Twente and now she works as the ambassador of the Netherlands in Malaysia. When she visited the university this week, we simply had to ask her: What path leads from the UT campus to a successful career in foreign services?


UT alumna’s work for the military

In 2010, Miriam de Graaff joined the Dutch army’s mission in Afghanistan. Not to carry a gun, but to carry out a PhD research. She wanted to study the daily life experiences of servicemen and women and to see what ethical challenges soldiers of all ranks have to deal with. She managed to define these moral dilemmas and her thesis is now being used by the highest Dutch military officers.


'It's like singing in a close harmony choir’

She is sharp and enjoys switching from one task to the next and brainstorming. Janneke Hoedemaekers, Managing Director of the MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, is in the thick of it, the link between researchers, employees, entrepreneurs and financiers. She unites and connects, ‘to create beautiful new things.’


Drones UT-alumnus veroveren Amerika

Na een master business administration, begon Gerard Nieuwenhuis (27) samen met vriend Albert van de Maat het merk TRNDlabs. Nu, een jaar later, liggen zijn drones in meer dan 200 filialen van Urban Outfitters in de VS.


Drones gaan vogels beschermen

De nesten van weidevogels opsporen en beschermen zonder ze weg te jagen, dat was dé grote uitdaging van Landschap Overijssel. Tot nu. Een drone met ingebouwde infraroodcamera gaat ervoor zorgen dat de vogels niks merken. Dit idee komt van UT-alumnus Nico Nijenhuis, eigenaar van Clear Flight Solutions.