
‘There is nothing mysterious about women in mathematics’

The library in Vrijhof is now hosting a touring exhibition Women of Mathematics. Nelly Litvak, UT professor of Applied Mathematics, guides us through the exhibit portraying her field, which is still often seen as ‘the man’s world’.


Travel grant for female postdocs

Female postdocs, apply! There is a special travel grant waiting for you: the Distinguished Women Scientists Fund. This year's call for applications is now officially open and any female postdocs residing in the Netherlands are welcome to join.


Leaking pipeline: Where do the women go?

Even though the percentage of women in science keeps increasing, female academics are still a minority in higher ranking positions. Why is that and how can we change this situation? That´s the main question that was discussed at today´s FFNT lunch meeting, which was also attended by Francisco Ramirez, Professor of Sociology from the Stanford University.


Let your voice out

Voice is an integral part of good presentation skills. To get our message across, we need to sound appealing and connect with the audience. Yet, that is not easy to achieve and most of us could use some tips regarding voice control. That is why the FFNT (Female Faculty Network Twente) organized a voice training workshop today.


Is it possible to be a part-time scientist?

How to combine a successful academic career with a fulfilling family life? Is this task easier for men than women? Those were the main questions that inspired FFNT (Female Faculty Network Twente) to organize today´s lunch discussion led by Alexander Brinkman, a successful scientist and a dedicated father of two.


Women in Science: Maak gebruik van verschil man-vrouw

Na een geslaagde primeur vorig jaar beleefde Women in Science donderdagmiddag en –avond in The Gallery de tweede editie. Het evenement, georganiseerd door Kivi Niria en Female Faculty Network Twente, wil vrouwelijke studenten, academici en zakenvrouwen met elkaar in contact te brengen. 'Er is nooit een goed moment om kinderen te nemen. Gewoon doen dus.'