
Editor in Chief
Maaike Platvoet

Maaike Platvoet has been the editor-in-chief of U-Today since 2016. She studied journalism at the University of Windesheim (Hogeschool Windesheim). Afterwards she was employed at the Twentsche Courant Tubantia and in 2002 she began working at the UT.

She puts her heart and soul into journalism. She always stands up for the importance of independent press. As the U-Today’s editor-in-chief, Maaike is responsible for the overall quality of our website and special magazine editions.

Jari Dokter

Jari left Enschede in 2015 to study journalism at the Fontys University of Applied Sciences (Hogeschool Journalistiek), in Tilburg. During his studies, he did an internship at Twentsche Courant Tubantia and television producer Southfields in Amsterdam. After completing his studies, he packed his bags again to continue his journalistic adventure. The love for sports journalism led to a job as an editor at sports channel ESPN NL in Amsterdam.

After a tour through the Netherlands, it was time for Jari to come home in Enschede. His broad journalistic interests brought him to the University of Twente in August 2024. At U-Today, this journalist likes to focus on news and interviews.

Sandra Pool

Sandra Pool has worked at U-Today (UT Nieuws) since October 2005. She started as a reporter and continued to becoming an editor, the coordinator of special editions and the person in charge of advertising and paid content. Sandra connects companies, partners and associates of U-Today through our entrepreneurial portal, an online platform available to both internal and external parties.

In 2001 Sandra obtained her degree in journalism, focused on written press, at the University of Windesheim (Hogeschool Windesheim) and in 2004 she finished her studies of International Relations at the University of Amsterdam.

Martin ter Denge

Martin studied English Language & Culture and Intercultural Communication at Utrecht University, with minors in journalism and creative writing. As a language enthusiast, he has worked as a translator, held various marketing and communication positions, and was an independent copywriter. He joined U-Today in 2025.

Born with an inquisitive mind, he is always looking for the human angle within the scientific realm. Deflating jargon and turning it into accessible, personal stories is both his mission and strong suit.

Rense Kuipers

Rense studied Crossmedia Concepting at the Saxion University of Applied Sciences. When he joined U-Today at the end of 2014, he immediately knew two things: 1. This is the place where he wants to call himself a journalist. 2. There’s no better place to do so than at this inspiring campus, where no two days are ever the same.

From student stories to hardcore science. And everything in between and outside of it. Rense wants nothing more than to experience, fathom and clarify your University of Twente. Every day over again.

Nice to meet you

U-Today is the independent journalistic medium at the University of Twente (UT). You read us to be well informed about anything and everything UT related.

The U-Team

Besides our small team of permanent staff members (as pictured above), we work together with a number of (student) freelancers.

Naturally, our team has some specific shared traits: we are passionate about our job, curious and critical.

What we do (our core activities)

  • Online articles: daily news, in-depth interviews, photo stories, videos and other interesting content on utoday.nl
  • Social media: InstagramFacebookBluesky and LinkedIn

What we also do (our portfolio)

  • Special editions: printed or digital magazines on a certain topic, department or development, usually on enquiry by third parties. For examples, see the 4TU Magazine, ECIU Magazine.
  • Media expertise: commissioned by third parties, we can coordinate, write, supervise and advise, when it comes to publishing and multiple forms of content.
  • Branded content: Through the Business & Career portal, we offer third parties the opportunity to publish paid/sponsored content.
  • Display advertising: we offer space for banners and advertisements, both online and in printed issues.
  • For more information, check our portfolio page, or send an email to [email protected]!

How we do it

Most stories come from the hands of our reporters, sometimes supplemented by HOP-press releases (higher education press agency).

Although many articles are written in Dutch, as the international community at the UT grows, we offer more and more articles in English.

Good old journalistic values

The world of journalism has changed drastically over the past years. Like many other news media, we are finding ways to reinvent ourselves and appeal to our audience, while not forgetting the good old journalistic values, as defined in the Code of Bordeaux.

Hearing both sides of the story. One of the most important principles of journalism is hearing both sides of the argument. U-Today is committed to this principle, in order to produce reliable journalism.

When writing an article, we aim to include multiple perspectives. The principle of hearing both sides of the argument is not necessary for every publication, but it is absolutely compulsory when factual accusations against a person or organisation are being made.

Once published, it stays published. Contributions to a discussion will not be removed by us afterwards on request. Do not say or write things that you may regret later.


All U-Today content is copyrighted.

It happens regularly that other news media copy and paste our copy and then publish it in their own media. We don't think this is correct. In fact, it is plagiarism.

Plagiarism means copying someone else's work and then publishing it as your own, without properly acknowledging the source. If you want to copy text(s) from our website or use a photo/illustration, please call/email the editorial staff.



U-Today has an editorial board. This board is meant to reflect the UT community and consists of a Scientific Staff Member, a Support Staff Member and a Student Member.

The editorial board of U-Today meets on average four times a year in order to discuss the chosen editorial policy. Its important function is to provide the editor-in-chief with requested as well as with unsolicited advice. It can also play a role of a mediator in case of conflict.

The Editorial Statute of U-Today provides more information on the editorial board and its function.

The current editorial board includes the following people:

  • Femke Nijboer, chair and member on behalf of the academic staff (assistant professor of Creative Technology), faculty of EEMCS
  • Jurriaan Schmitz, vice-chair and member (on the recommendation of the University Council) on behalf of the academic staff (professor of Semiconductor Components), faculty of EEMCS
  • Martin Rosema, member on behalf of academic staff (assistant professor of political science), faculty of BMS
  • Oscar Peters, external member (lecturer at Saxion University of Applied Sciences)
  • Renée Soudant, member on behalf of support staff (management assistant), faculty ET
  • Adeline Visser, student member (Biomedical Engineering), faculty of S&T
  • Milan Gomes, student member (student of Educational Sciences and Technology), faculty of BMS
  • Wiebke Eberhardt, member on behalf of support staff (head of research & innovation policy) at the Strategy & Policy department

The editorial board and chair Femke Nijboer can be reached by email: [email protected]

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