Language policy
U-Today embraces the international character of the University of Twente. We strive to make our articles accessible to the entire UT community. We publish our content bilingually, in both Dutch and English, whenever possible. It is not always feasible to provide translations of our articles due to time and capacity limitations, but we continue to search for ways to increase the number of bilingual publications.
Although the university’s official language policy calls for the use of English in (nearly) all situations, U-Today plans to continue using both the Dutch and English language. There are both Dutch native speakers and international members on the U-Today team, as well as within the UT community. Which is why we have chosen to not abandon one language in favour of the other.
As Dutch journalists, we have the responsibility to protect and carry out the Dutch language. Furthermore, U-Today falls under ‘extracurricular activities’ within the UT. That’s why we don’t see it as an obligation to carry out the UT language policy completely, but follow current affairs as much as possible in a manner most suitable for our readers. On a yearly basis, the U-Today editorial team will look at the balance between English and Dutch articles and if that balance represents the UT community accordingly. We aim to serve our audience – of international and Dutch readers – as best as we can.