Online job interview

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Job applicants should be aware that participating in an online job interview might affect the selection results differently from face-to-face job interview.

From the research point of view, the accuracy of selection was found to be dependent on the method used. Blackman (2002) tested the accuracy of personality judgments in telephone and face-to-face interviews by comparing them with an applicant’s self-assessment, and found that face-to-face interviews resulted in more accurate personality judgments than telephone interviews. In a similar way, Straus et al. (2001) compared face-to-face interviews with videoconference-based interviews. Applicants who were interviewed using videoconferencing were not rated lower when compared to those interviewed face-to-face. Chapman and Rowe (2001) studied the use of videoconferencing technology in the employment interview and found a positive bias in favour of applicants interviewed via a desktop videoconference system. However, Van Iddekinge et al. (2006) found strong support for their hypothesis that the ratings of face-to-face interviews would be significantly higher those of videotapes of the same interviews.


This article was published in the second editon of the 4TU Career Special, a shared publication by the news editors of Cursor (Eindhoven University of Technology), Delta (Delft University of Technology), Resource (Wageningen University and Research), and U-Today (University of Twente). The magazine came into being in collaboration with industry, and is explicitly aimed towards students who are either in the final phase of their studies, or have just graduated.

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