Welcome to the world of VMI

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VMI Group develops, manufactures, sells and installs high-tech machines mainly for the tire and rubber industry and is a major player in the canning, personal care and pharmaceutical industries.

Since last December, Bas van Baal, has been working at VMI as a trainee in the Research & Development Extrusion Cutters and Flexx department, one of VMI's engineering groups. VMI employs between 300 and 400 engineers. Bas' department has 27 employees. VMI machines are managed and developed into stanards by R&D and then implemented by Order Engineering. 

4tu career special

This article appeared in the 4TU Career Special, a shared publication by the news editors of Cursor TU Eindhoven (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven University of Technology), TU Delta (TU Delft University of Technology), Resource Wageningen UR (Wageningen University & Research) and U-Today (University of Twente).

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