
Cartoon #57 by LUVANE

The first Monday of every month LUVANE presents you with a freshly cooked campus cartoon. A plate full of tasty colors, flavored with a pinch of humor, and served to satisfy your sateless hunger for procrastination.

Campus Life

Seven coronaproof student activities

A second wave, more rigorous measures. The crisis is asking all of us to make sacrifices, when we might be needing social contact more than ever. Under the guise of creative problem solving: seven activities that you can still do together, without breaking the rules.

Campus Life

At home by choice: ‘It is a good solution for me’

The UT has reopened its doors and employees are welcome on campus at 40% capacity, but not everybody is rushing back. For some UT colleagues, working from home is not only the ‘norm’. It is a choice. Why have they decided to stay in their home office and what are the (dis)advantages of this arrangement?

Boardroom Buzz

‘We were just getting comfortable’

Many UT students do it, want to do it or have done it in the past. Of course, we're talking about a board year. But what if your board year coincides with a global pandemic? In this series, U-Today asks study associations how they deal with the ‘new normal’. This second episode: Dimensie, the study association for Psychology.

De wedstrijd van de week

VV Drienerlo start seizoen met twee nipte nederlagen

Elke week strijden UT’ers om de overwinning. Soms op topniveau, soms in de kelderklasse en alles daartussen. In deze ‘wedstrijd van de week’ de voetballers van VV Drienerlo.

Campus Life

Eindelijk weer voorstellingen in Vrijhof

Na maanden van stilte was er eindelijk weer rumoer in het Amphitheater van de Vrijhof. Gisteren vond de allereerste try-out van het Groninger Studenten Cabaret Festival plaats. In een – voor coronabegrippen – bomvolle zaal met 25 man publiek lieten de vier overgebleven kandidaten zien waarom zij het verdienen in de halve finale te staan.

Boardroom Buzz

‘It felt like we had to start twice’

Many UT students do it, want to do it or have done it in the past. Of course, we're talking about a board year. But what if your board year coincides with a global pandemic? In this series, U-Today asks study associations how they deal with the ‘new normal’. This episode: ConcepT.

De wedstrijd van de week
Blueshell hosts tournament

'Online chess is more popular than ever’

Members of the UT community battle for victory each and every week. Sometimes at the top level, sometimes in the lowest category and everything in between. This week an online chess tournament hosted by Blueshell takes centre stage.

Campus Life

Enschede’s nightlife in the corona crisis

For the people who usually dedicate their days and nights to student-focused events, 2020 has a massive impact on their daily life. U-Today talked to the people behind the bar at Club Update, Rico Latino, and Paddy’s, about what the crisis means for their business and what students can do to support the local nightlife culture.

Campus Life
Lichtjesvoorstelling van fonkelende tol

UT-alumnus Gertjan Adema exposeert reuzenbromtol

Mysterieuze klanken, bewegend licht en reflecties komen op je af als je richting de kleine expositieruimte in de Vrijhof loopt. De oorzaak? Een grote, draaiende bromtol met tientallen glasscherven. Het is het werk van UT-alumnus, Gertjan Adema.

Campus Life

Op zoek naar het ultieme campuskiekje

Fotograferen is de gedeelde hobby van Max Jeltes en Bob Loos, twee UT-studenten woonachtig aan de Matenweg 30B. Dagelijks maken ze een foto van de ‘unieke natuur’ op de Twentse campus. Het resultaat plaatsen de studenten op hun Instagramaccount utwente.nature, dat inmiddels meer dan duizend volgers telt.


Cartoon #56 by LUVANE

The first Monday of every month LUVANE presents you with a freshly cooked campus cartoon. A plate full of tasty colors, flavored with a pinch of humor, and served to satisfy your sateless hunger for procrastination.

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