Through the Looking Glass

‘I feel we’ve been left in the dark’

In this series, Through the Looking Glass, photographer Annabel Jeuring stops by at student houses to portray students in their current, isolated reality. This seventh episode: PhD student Alfredo Rates Soriano.

Through the Looking Glass

‘It feels weird to say, but I’m getting rich’

In this series, Through the Looking Glass, photographer Annabel Jeuring stops by at student houses to portray students in their current, isolated reality. This sixth episode: Anubrata Bhowmick, MSc student of Computer Science.


Cartoon #53 by LUVANE

The first Monday of every month LUVANE presents you with a freshly cooked campus cartoon. A plate full of tasty colors, flavored with a pinch of humor, and served to satisfy your sateless hunger for procrastination.

De Thuiswerkers

'We live in splendid isolation’

Our daily rhythm is temporarily disrupted. No more walks, bike rides or car rides to the campus. We are working from home. We call in instead of meeting face to face. How do you like your improvised home office and what tips can we share? Heather Willson, English teacher at the UT, gives her view on the situation.

Betere Tijden

Een coffeeshop op de campus

Soms doet het heden terugverlangen naar het verleden. Daarom duikt U-Today om de week in haar eigen archiefkast, op zoek naar bijzondere voetnoten in de geschiedenis van de UT. Vandaag in onze rubriek 'Betere Tijden': plannen voor een coffeeshop op de campus.

Through the Looking Glass

‘I will remind myself to relax more often’

In this series, Through the Looking Glass, photographer Annabel Jeuring stops by at student houses to portray students in their current, isolated reality. This fifth episode: PhD student Akash Raman.

De Thuiswerkers

‘I often take a look at my campus office from the outside’

Our daily rhythm is temporarily disrupted. No more walks, bike rides or car rides to the campus. We are working from home. We call in instead of meeting face to face. How do you like your improvised home office and what tips can we share? Efthymios Constantinides, associate professor of Digital Marketing, gives his view on the situation.

Through the Looking Glass

‘This is a good stress test for all our systems’

In this series, Through the Looking Glass, photographer Annabel Jeuring stops by at student houses to portray students in their current, isolated reality. This fourth episode: Egor Tamarin, MSc student of Embedded Systems.

De Thuiswerkers

‘Zorg dat je in beweging blijft’

Ons ritme ligt tijdelijk overhoop. Niet langer onze dagelijkse wandeling, fietstocht of autorit naar de campus, maar thuiswerken. Hoe bevalt het werken vanuit de geïmproviseerde werkplek en welke tips kunnen we delen? Boukje de Gooijer, promovenda en docent bij Mechanical Engineering, mist vooral het sociale contact.

Through the Looking Glass

‘You cannot buy love, happiness or even a meaningful conversation’

In this series, Through the Looking Glass, photographer Annabel Jeuring stops by at student houses to portray students in their current, isolated reality. This third episode, Thiemen Doppenberg, BSc student of Creative Technology.

De Thuiswerkers

‘Blij met ons nieuwe huis, zeker nu’

Ons ritme ligt tijdelijk overhoop. Niet langer onze dagelijkse wandeling, fietstocht of autorit naar de campus, maar thuiswerken. Hoe bevalt het werken vanuit de geïmproviseerde werkplek en welke tips kunnen we delen? Laura de Heus, PhD bij de onderzoeksgroep Applied Stem Cell Technologies, vertelt over haar thuiswerkplek.

Through the Looking Glass
Through the Looking Glass, episode 2

‘It still feels like my family is in the next room’

In this series, Through the Looking Glass, photographer Annabel Jeuring stops by at student houses to portray students in their current isolated reality. This second episode: Atis Kazaferi, BSc student of Industrial Engineering and Management.

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