All around the world

Christmas in Germany: 'Big dinner on the 25th'

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Yet, each corner of the world celebrates this holiday a bit differently. In this series we will shed some light on Christmas traditions of UT international students. In this episode we meet with Jana Rother, a student from Frankfurt (Germany), who is in Twente for a minor Communications.

Campus Life

U-Today Holiday wishes (video)

Merry Christmas, and a happy new year! Let's see what kind of holiday wishes people all over campus have, in this video.

All around the world

Christmas in Colombia: ‘Little Candles Day’

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Yet, each corner of the world celebrates this holiday a bit differently. In this series we will shed some light on Christmas traditions of UT international students. In this episode we meet with Daniel Poveda, Civil Engineering student from Colombia.

On the spot

‘Ik ben als de monteur in de pitstraat’

We werken bijna iedere dag samen, maar hoe goed kennen we de collega’s nu echt? U-Today is benieuwd naar de persoonlijke verhalen achter het ondersteunend- en beheerspersoneel en zet ze in deze rubriek ‘On the spot’. Aan het woord is Jan-Willem Timmerman (37), hoofd financiën bij de faculteit TNW.

Campus Life


Patricia Reyes – Patyt on social media - is our student columnist. Twice a month she writes about student life, what makes her tick and stray observations.

Campus Life

Hazing, gimmicks and friendship

You may see them one morning when biking to campus: paper stars or other small banners attached to the lanterns along the bike lane, or even large banners bearing strange words and sentences like ‘STER’ or ‘De turquoisering is begonnen’. Where do these things come from and what do they mean?

All around the world

Christmas in Mexico: Posadas, piñatas, and family

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Yet, each corner of the world celebrates this holiday a bit differently. In this series we will shed some light on Christmas traditions of UT international students. In this episode we meet with Nadia Wriu, Mechanical Engineering student from Mexico.

Campus Life

DesignLab: one place to connect them all

Open, inspiring, eclectic. Those are some of the words that come to mind once you enter DesignLab. There is a researcher giving a presentation, a group of staff members having a meeting, students huddled together, working on their projects or just playing with Lego, robots beeping in between the desks. All of that is happening there. At the same time and in the same open, connected space.

Campus Life

Fix-It Session: repair your broken products

A broken camera, a Senseo coffee machine, an old rangefinder, an iPhone and a desk lamp are cluttered over the work bench in the DesignLab. Two bicycles are brought in as well. During the Fix-It Session, held on the 12th of December, these products are all assessed and repaired, by and for students.

Campus Life

Flinke passen, stappen en rennen

Terwijl het buiten hevig sneeuwde, stonden gisteren 119 fanatieke lopers klaar om de Horsttoren te bedwingen. Michelle van Mierlo haalde als eerste vrouw de eindstreep van de jaarlijkse Gebouwenloop. Hille Drenth won bij de heren. Triatlonvereniging Aloha tekende voor de organisatie. Mathijs de Ruiter rende mee voor U-Today.

All around the world

Christmas in Indonesia: Churches guarded by police

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Yet, each corner of the world celebrates this holiday a bit differently. In this series we will shed some light on Christmas traditions of UT international students. In this episode we meet with Mark Kenny Williams, Creative Technology student from Indonesia.

Meet the teacher

Meet the Teacher: André de Boer

Wat maakt een docent goed? Waar haalt iemand de passie vandaan de soms stoffige stof boeiend te brengen? In de rubriek ‘Meet the teacher’ stellen we je voor aan de mensen met hart voor onderwijs. Deze aflevering: André de Boer, hoogleraar bij de opleiding werktuigbouwkunde (WB).

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