Campus Life

CuriousU: ‘Het verhaal is helderder’

De UT-zomerschool in festivalsfeer, CuriousU, loopt vandaag ten einde. Projectleider Rianne Kaptijn spreekt van ‘een heel goed verlopen editie’ en blikt alvast vooruit op volgend jaar, want ook in 2018 keert het evenement terug op de campus.

On the spot

‘I love being around researchers but I don’t want to be one’

We work next to each other almost every day, but how well do we really know our colleagues? U-Today is curious about the personal stories of the UT support and management staff and we bring you these stories in this series ‘On the spot’. In this episode we introduce Flavia Carvalho de Souza, who is responsible for the First Line Support in the DesignLab.

Campus Life

‘Ieder aspect van het Enschedese studentenleven laten zien’

Het is aftellen geblazen tot de start van de Kick-In. Vanaf woensdag 23 augustus dromt een menigte eerstejaars de campus op voor de jaarlijkse introductieperiode. Kick-In-voorzitter Mitchel Haring blikt vooruit: ‘We drukken onze eigen stempel op deze editie.’

Campus Life

‘You don’t know what they know’

‘Unlike many other summer schools, this isn’t just a regular school in summer. It’s unique and it involves a lot more than just going to class,’ says Luuk Collou, one of the teachers at CuriousU. What does this ‘uniqueness’ mean for the teachers? How do they experience this festival of learning - and teaching?

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Campus Life

CuriousU: ‘Een pretpark voor slimme mensen’

‘Dale, dale, dale, no pierdas el tino!’, zingt de Mexicaanse Nadia Wriu Zamora uit volle borst. Vrij vertaald: ‘slaan, slaan, slaan, maar blijf goed mikken!’. Met dit strijdlied moedigt de UT-masterstudent de deelnemers van UT-summerschool CuriousU aan om een piñata vol snoep zo hard mogelijk te raken. De Mexicaanse traditie is een van de lunchactiviteiten vandaag.

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Campus Life

CuriousU: ‘A funfair for smart people’

‘Dale, dale, dale, no pierdas el tino!’, sings the Mexican student Nadia Wriu Zamora at the top of her lungs. Freely translated this means: ‘Hit, hit, hit, but keep aiming properly!’ The UT Master’s student uses this battle song to encourage participants of the CuriousU summer school to hit the piñata full of candy. This Mexican tradition was one of yesterday’s lunch activities at CuriousU.

Campus Life

CuriousU is back!

CuriousU is back at the University of Twente. The third edition of this summer school in festival style started today and it welcomed more than 300 participants from all over the world. The main idea behind CuriousU is to provide a new way of education by organizing a festival of science and learning, and so it includes a lot more than just academic courses. The students can enjoy inspiring lectures over breakfast, parties, tours and other fun activities, including a virtual reality parachute. Intrigued?


Cartoon #6 by LUVANE

The summer holidays have arrived! Every other week LUVANE presents you with a freshly cooked campus cartoon. A plate full of tasty colors, flavored with a pinch of humor, and served to satisfy your sateless hunger for procrastination.

Campus Life

‘Tot mijn verbazing zat ik erbij’

Meike van Wijk, derdejaars technische geneeskunde, speelt in september mee in de musical Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. De repetities zijn in volle gang. ‘Ik deed gewoon auditie.’


‘Ik zoek uitdaging'

Ze hebben energie voor tien. Zijn overal voor in. Soms als extra uitdaging, soms voor een hoger cijfer of gewoon omdat het leuk is. Deze rubriek gaat over studenten aan de UT die naast hun studie een extra stap zetten. Deze negende aflevering (de laatste voor de zomervakantie): Dawn Spruijtenburg (21), cum laude afgestudeerd aan University College Twente (ATLAS).

Meet the teacher

Meet the teacher: Gabriel Parodi

What makes a good teacher? Where does the passion for passing on knowledge come from? In the series ‘Meet the teacher’ we focus on people who are truly dedicated to education. In this episode we introduce Gabriel Parodi, hydrologist and an experienced lecturer from the Department of Water Resources at ITC.


‘I am confronted with an abundance of opportunities’

They are tireless. They are all in. Sometimes to give themselves a challenge, sometimes to get a higher grade and sometimes just because it’s fun. This series is dedicated to UT students who go the extra mile during their studies. In this episode we talked to Erik Kemp: a successful student, a board member, an active sportsman, a teaching assistant and the future president of the Student Union.


Cartoon #5 by LUVANE

Every other week LUVANE presents you with a freshly cooked campus cartoon. A plate full of tasty colors, flavored with a pinch of humor, and served to satisfy your sateless hunger for procrastination.

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