UT part of Twente Board Foundation

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The University of Twente has officially decided to be involved in the Twente Board Foundation and BV, a collaboration between government, business and knowledge institutions in Twente. The Chairman of the UT will act as one of its directors.

The Twente Board is a triple helix collaboration between the government, education and entrepreneurs in Twente and focuses on strengthening economy in the region. To professionalize the organization, the founding parties Saxion, ROC, Ondernemend Twente and Regio Twente officially established the Twente Board foundation and BV in June 2021. The UT didn’t sign this initiation, but it has now decided to officially support it.

The Chairman of the UT will act as one of the directors of the Twente Board Foundation to represent the knowledge institutions, together with Anka Mulder of Saxion and John van der Vegt of ROC Twente. The UT has already been involved in the Twente Board in the past. Previous UT chairman Victor van der Chijs, as well as current rector Tom Veldkamp have participated in the meetings of the regional collaboration. The UT is not contributing financially to the Twente Board Foundation or BV, and is also neither a founder, director or shareholder.

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