
Drienerlo: a refuge for Germans and for Jews

Gerrit Albertus Lasonder, a former alderman of Education and Nazi sympathizer, owned the country estate of Drienerlo before and during the Second World War. In farmhouses on the land that now constitutes the campus, this member of the Dutch National Socialist Movement provided refuge for Germans and Jews alike. Who was this eccentric character?

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Oekraïense vluchteling Dasha aan de slag als technicus op de UT

‘In Marioepol huilden we niet; we moesten overleven’

Na vele ontberingen wist Dasha Dudareva (29) vanuit de verwoeste Oekraïense stad Marioepol te vluchten naar Enschede. Deze week begint ze, dankzij een speciaal fonds van de UT-faculteiten, als technicus bij de vakgroep Power Electronics. Dit is haar verhaal. ‘Voor mij is 24 februari nog steeds niet afgelopen: het voelt als één lange dag.’

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Ukrainian refugee Dasha gets a job at the UT

‘In Mariupol we didn't cry; we were surviving’

After many hardships, Dasha Dudareva (29) managed to flee the devastated Ukrainian city of Mariupol and found refuge in Enschede. This week, she starts her job as a technician at UT's Power Electronics group. 'For me, February 24 is still not over: it feels like one long day.'


How did the UT obtain the estate of Drienerlo?

The country estate of Drienerlo, which spans two-thirds of the current campus with its 95 hectares, has been privately owned throughout the centuries. In the 1930s, the last owner, former alderman of Education Gerrit Albertus Lasonder, converted to National Socialism. Following the war, this became decisive for the fate of Drienerlo. How did this estate come into the hands of the Polytechnic University of Twente?

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University College Twente; van paradepaardje naar zorgenkindje

Een kritisch evaluatierapport, een bestuurlijke wisseling van de wacht en collectieve onrust. University College Twente moet de wonden likken. Hoe kon een opleiding voor excellente studenten veranderen van paradepaardje naar zorgenkindje? Een reconstructie.

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University College Twente; a reconstruction of the programme’s fall from grace

A critical evaluation report, changes in management and a sense of collective unrest: University College Twente is licking its wounds. How is it possible that this programme for excellent students, once the university’s pride and joy, could turn into a problem child? Here we present a reconstruction of the programme’s fall from grace.

PhD stories
Aurora Ruiz Rodríguez

‘With everything I do, I want to improve someone’s life’

Students or researchers? PhD and PDEng candidates fall into a category of their own. What is it like to navigate the sometimes lonely road towards a doctoral degree? In this monthly series, we put young academics of the University of Twente in the limelight. This episode gives the stage to Aurora Ruiz Rodríguez, computer scientist from the Biomechanical Engineering group.


Autism Awareness Day: ‘I’d say I’m an extremely creative person’

‘Autism is not a burden. There are beautiful things connected to it as well.’ In honor of the Autism Awareness Day on 2 April, UT student Abigail Groenenboom (25) shares what it’s like to be on the spectrum and how the university could better support autistics. ‘If everyone knew that autism is just a different neurotype, it would take some of the pain away.’

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Theo Toonen neemt afscheid als BMS-decaan

‘Het decanaat is geen beroep, maar een missie’

Twintig jaar was Theo Toonen (69) decaan. In Leiden, Delft en de laatste acht jaar in Twente bij de faculteit BMS. Als bestuurder wilde hij de academische waarden beschermen. ‘Dat is altijd mijn drive geweest.’

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‘Deanship is not a profession, but a mission’

Theo Toonen (69) has worked as a dean for twenty years. First in Leiden, then in Delft and for the past eight years in Twente at the Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences. As a university administrator, he wanted to protect the academic values. ‘That has always been my drive.’

PhD stories

‘I truly discovered myself during my PhD’

Students or researchers? PhD and PDEng candidates fall into a category of their own. What is it like to navigate the sometimes lonely road towards a doctoral degree? In this monthly series, we put young academics of the University of Twente in the limelight. This episode gives the stage to Fardad Maghsoudi Moud from the Applied Earth Sciences department at ITC.


Alles wat je altijd al had willen weten over studieschulden

Studieschulden van enkele tienduizenden euro’s zijn inmiddels heel gewoon. Kun je straks geen huis meer kopen? Is het allemaal de schuld van Mark Rutte? En ook interessant: wat is eigenlijk de allerhoogste studieschuld bij DUO?

International Women’s Day

‘We need more women who aren’t presented as princesses’

Would you boldly go where nobody like you has gone before? ‘That is the power of role models: they inspire you and show you what is possible. Without their example, you’ll stay in your own bubble.’ Today, on the International Women’s Day, seven women from the UT share stories about their personal role models and what (female) representation means to them.

PhD stories

‘If there is nobody else, then I will step up and do it’

Students or researchers? PhD and PDEng candidates fall into a category of their own. What is it like to navigate the sometimes lonely road towards a doctoral degree? In this monthly series, we put young academics of the University of Twente in the limelight. This episode gives the stage to Verena Menzel from the Mathematics of Operations Research group.

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Afscheidsinterview Pim Fij

‘Het is tijd dat ik beter op mezelf ga letten’

Na een bijna dertigjarig dienstverband neemt Pim Fij vandaag afscheid van zijn ‘liefde’, de UT. Na jarenlang ‘aan’ te hebben gestaan, draait hij de knop nu volledig de andere kant op. Een afscheidsinterview. ‘Het helpt om een goede huisvader te zijn voor studenten: functioneel boos als ze over de schreef gaan, maar je beschermt ze onvoorwaardelijk.’

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Farewell interview Pim Fij

‘It’s time for me to start taking better care of myself’

Yesterday, after almost thirty years of employment, Pim Fij bid farewell to his ‘great love’, the UT. After years of being ‘switched on’, he is now ready to flip the switch and unplug. This is his farewell interview. ‘It helps to be a good house father to the students: you get functionally angry when they cross the line, but you protect them unconditionally.’

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