
Fully funded PhD research in Japan

The UT is the first Dutch university to start an International Cooperative Graduate Programme with the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) in Japan. This will allow PhD candidates from the UT to spend up to one year at NIMS, which will fully fund their stay there.


5000th PhD at the UT: ‘Only do it if you love the topic’

There have been 4999 candidates before her. Tomorrow, Anna Priante will become the five-thousandth PhD researcher to earn her doctoral title at the University of Twente. Rector Thom Palstra will be the chairman of the defence committee just for this occasion.


Decaan voor Twente Graduate School

Twente Graduate School krijgt in 2019 een decaan in plaats van een directeur. Doel is om de coördinatie van doctoraalprogramma’s te versterken.


Promovendi vereeuwigd in zweetkamertje UT

De promovenduskamer van de UT – ook wel bekend als ‘zweetkamertje’- krijgt een eigen handtekeningenwand. CvB-lid Mirjam Bult en oud-rector Ed Brinksma, beiden gepromoveerd aan de UT, hadden vrijdagochtend de eer om als eerste hun paraaf te zetten.


PhD Day 2017: The biggest one yet

PhD Day 2017 is taking place tomorrow. The event will focus on career opportunities for PhDs and its keynote speaker will be an accomplished UT alumnus, who will also discuss what it’s like to live inside the real ‘Silicon Valley’ house.


Bootcamp for PhD’s: 'Don't throw them in the deep end'

The UT will start a course for PhDs next month, to teach them the basic principles of teaching. The course ‘Bootcamp taste of teaching’ is an initiative of Centre of Expertise in Learning and Teaching, the Twente Graduate School and the Centre for Training and Development.


Bootcamp voor PhD-studenten

De UT start komende maand met een cursus voor PhD-studenten, om ze de basisprincipes van lesgeven te leren. Deze ‘Bootcamp taste of teaching’ is een initiatief van het Centre of Expertise in Learning and Teaching (CELT), in samenwerking met de Twente Graduate School en het Centre for Training and Development.


Want to become a PhD coach?

UT’s TCP Language Center is developing new intensive courses about academic publishing and presenting for PhD candidates. These boot camp courses start in August 2017 and TCP is currently searching for advanced PhD candidates, who would be interested in coaching first-year PhD candidates and earning 5 credits in the process.


UT alumna’s work for the military

In 2010, Miriam de Graaff joined the Dutch army’s mission in Afghanistan. Not to carry a gun, but to carry out a PhD research. She wanted to study the daily life experiences of servicemen and women and to see what ethical challenges soldiers of all ranks have to deal with. She managed to define these moral dilemmas and her thesis is now being used by the highest Dutch military officers.


What it means to be a father

‘After I separated from my wife and became a single father, I wanted to be very involved with my daughter, but I found that the society wasn’t comfortable with me in this role. Based on that, my PhD work shifted towards understanding this experience, why is it challenging for men to play the nurturing role with their kids and what it means to be a father,’ says Jeff St. John, who recently received his PhD degree at the UT.


‘Stop the experiment with PhD candidates’

Stop the experiment with PhD candidates and do not provide them with dubious contracts. Those are two of the main points presented by the PhD Network Netherlands (PNN - Promovendi Netwerk Nederland) in their official plan.


FOM-prijs voor UT-onderzoeker Slava Medvedev

UT-onderzoeker Slava Medvedev heeft de FOM Valorisatiehoofdstuk Prijs 2016 gewonnen. Medvedev promoveerde in november 2015 cum laude op zijn onderzoek bij de XUV Optics-vakgroep van hoogleraar Fred Bijkerk.

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