
Want to become a PhD coach?

UT’s TCP Language Center is developing new intensive courses about academic publishing and presenting for PhD candidates. These boot camp courses start in August 2017 and TCP is currently searching for advanced PhD candidates, who would be interested in coaching first-year PhD candidates and earning 5 credits in the process.


UT alumna’s work for the military

In 2010, Miriam de Graaff joined the Dutch army’s mission in Afghanistan. Not to carry a gun, but to carry out a PhD research. She wanted to study the daily life experiences of servicemen and women and to see what ethical challenges soldiers of all ranks have to deal with. She managed to define these moral dilemmas and her thesis is now being used by the highest Dutch military officers.


What it means to be a father

‘After I separated from my wife and became a single father, I wanted to be very involved with my daughter, but I found that the society wasn’t comfortable with me in this role. Based on that, my PhD work shifted towards understanding this experience, why is it challenging for men to play the nurturing role with their kids and what it means to be a father,’ says Jeff St. John, who recently received his PhD degree at the UT.


‘Stop the experiment with PhD candidates’

Stop the experiment with PhD candidates and do not provide them with dubious contracts. Those are two of the main points presented by the PhD Network Netherlands (PNN - Promovendi Netwerk Nederland) in their official plan.


FOM-prijs voor UT-onderzoeker Slava Medvedev

UT-onderzoeker Slava Medvedev heeft de FOM Valorisatiehoofdstuk Prijs 2016 gewonnen. Medvedev promoveerde in november 2015 cum laude op zijn onderzoek bij de XUV Optics-vakgroep van hoogleraar Fred Bijkerk.


3,7 miljoen voor regionaal innovatie-onderzoek

Jonge innovatieonderzoekers klaarstomen voor een carrière in regionale ontwikkeling; dat is het doel van het RUNIN-project. Het consortium, met daarin de UT, ontving ruim 3,7 miljoen euro van de EU in het Horizon 2020-programma.


PhD-student, depressief?

Misschien is het een andere cultuur, misschien een problematische werkomgeving, misschien is het te veel focussen op je onderzoek. Als PhD-student kun je snel met dit soort problemen in aanraking komen. Je loopt zelfs risico op een klinische depressie. Dat overkwam twee PhD-studenten, die hun verhaal vertellen. Instanties op de UT – zoals promovendinetwerk P-NUT – willen hulp bieden. Hoe kun je jezelf helpen?


PhD Johan de Jong: 'Het verleden is niet afgesloten'

In plaats van met pensioen gaan, besloot Johan de Jong promotieonderzoek te gaan doen aan de UT. Als ongebruikelijke student, koos hij een ongebruikelijk onderwerp: de VOC (Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie). Waarom en wat kunnen we leren van technologie uit het verleden?


‘Drinking beer and brainstorming together’

On April 6th, Korean couple Hoon Suk Rho (38) and Yoonsun Yang (34) will obtain their doctoral degrees from the UT. Both carried out their PhD research using lab-on-a-chip technology. A few questions.


IGS PhD Networking Day

The first ever IGS PhD Networking Day took place today in the DesignLab at the University of Twente. The event, initiated purely by PhD students for PhD students, was aimed at strengthening the PhD network and it involved interactive seminars, lectures and speed dating.


Combining management with neuroscience

What do cognitive neuroscience and social entrepreneurship have in common? At the very least, they are both important parts of Raja Singaram’s PhD research. ‘How to support social entrepreneurs that start new business ventures?’ That was the question Singaram asked himself before moving from Silicon Valley to the University of Twente.


BE COOL! Design moon houses

Gifted pupils in primary schools mostly read textbooks or work on individual assignments. But not children participating in BE COOL!-project. Those students get to design moon houses. The project introduces a new type of learning method built on collaboration and Alieke van Dijk is there to design and research this new educational approach.

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