Treatment of type 1 diabetes

It all started with a simple optical microscope she got as a child and used to examine the structure of paper or leaves. Now she is working on developing abioactive scaffoldto treat type 1 diabetes. ‘I love chocolate, it adds sweetness to life and I want everybody to be able to enjoy it!’ says Elahe Hadavi, PhD candidate from the Developmental BioEngineering group.


Analysing groundwater in Botswana

Water is essential to all life on Earth, but some areas have fewer water supplies than others. ‘We need to know what resources there are, in order to use them efficiently,’ says Moiteela Lekula, who is researching groundwater storage in his home country of Botswana.


'Promovendi zouden meer plezier moeten hebben'

Promovendi klagen op een discussiemiddag van de KNAW over de hevige concurrentie en de druk om te publiceren. Hoogleraren snappen dat niet helemaal: 'Als je het niet leuk vindt, zit je op de verkeerde plek.'


PhD ontmoet 70 Nobelprijswinnaars

Elk jaar komen zeventig Nobelprijswinnaars bij elkaar in Duitse Lindau, waar zij een week lang lezingen geven en in gesprek gaan met jonge wetenschappers. UT-PhD Prosper Ngabonziza (33) kreeg de uitnodiging om van 28 juni tot 3 juli bij de prestigieuze Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting aanwezig te zijn. ‘Dit is heel speciaal, ik ben erg trots.’


Unraveling urban bike myths

There may be nine million bicycles in Beijing, but Enschede also has a sufficient number of bikes to need a solid policy on how to accommodate them best. Sander Veenstra is developing an application to support the city council in their decision making.


A helping hand to patients and PhDs

Doing a PhD can be challenging, demotivating and awarding. But what’s it like at the other end of the table? Assistant Professor Arno Stienen supervises PhD candidates in robotics. He advocates hard work, structure and early publications.


Blinde promoveert op ICT-toegang voor blinden

De Oegandese wetenschapper Abdul Busuulwa promoveert donderdag bij de vakgroep CSTM op een onderzoek naar ICT-hulpmiddelen voor blinden en slechtzienden. Bijzonder is dat hij zelf ook blind is, al vanaf zijn geboorte. ‘Ik ben trots dat ik kan bijdragen aan een oplossing voor een minderheid waar ik ook zelf toe behoor.’


Doctoral rate declines

The amount of PhDs who obtain their doctorate within five years is decreasing. The doctoral rate was stable at 60 percent for a short while, but in the last two years it has dropped to 55 percent for the doctoral candidates who started in 2008 and to 53 percent for those who started in 2009.


Do-It-Yourself Society

Participatory society. It’s one of those new buzz words to indicate that people are increasingly responsible for their own well-being, instead of the government. However, Judith Bakker knows that the ‘do-it-yourself society’ is not as new as it is presented. Citizens have always been active in many fields, such as in neighbourhoods. ‘People do an awful lot for others.’


Andrea Sánchez: The Machine Whisperer

Andrea Sánchez listens to machines: they use vibrations to tell her about their conditions and performances. The goal is to share her knowledge with other engineers, to help them understand fundamental elements of mechanical maintenance. ‘We need more machine-doctors to predict, diagnose and cure.’


Xavier Ikejemba: ‘I started with nothing’

Within five years, Xavier Ikejemba wants to give electricity access to 100.000 African households through his own company. Within three to four years, he wants to finish his dissertation on enhancing sustainable development of Africa. Eventually, he even wants to be the president of his home country Nigeria. ‘There’s no time to waste.’


Learn to distinguish yourself on the Be Visible PhD Day

Doctoral candidates network P-NUT wants to help doctoral candidates present themselves and their research in a distinguishing manner. The theme of the yearly PhD Day, held in the Vrijhof on 16 October, is therefore 'Be Visible'.

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