
Science quiz with ‘mixture of all of the UT’s sciences’

To celebrate the UT’s 60th birthday, Studium Generale and KIVI Students Twente organize a ‘Lustrum Science Quiz’ on Wednesday 18 May. Peter Timmerman from Studium Generale gives more insight. ‘We celebrate by highlighting UT science and scientists.’


‘We need much more climate science’

FYSICA is the Netherlands' annual physics conference, which took place on UT campus last week. To round off the conference, they hosted an evening panel discussion in association with Studium Generale, ‘Climate forecasts: limits to predictability’. What is the situation of climate science today, and how should it progress?


From organs on chips to humans on chips

Studium Generale’s ‘Organs on Chips’ lecture yesterday evening explained how current research builds artificial human organs. UT’s Teacher of the Year Anne Leferink and Jan Jaap Wietsma from Pre-U introduced the topic and demonstrated the creation of an organ-on-a-chip.


‘The Dutch science system has reached the end of its possibilities’

Wim van Saarloos, theoretical physicist, one of the UT's honorary doctors and former president of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie van Wetenschappen (KNAW), gave a lecture at the Vrijhof yesterday evening, in which he talked about the current state and his ideas for the future of Dutch science.


Lezing over emotie in muziek: ‘Grote verschillen door de eeuwen heen’

Hoe verklank je emoties in muziek? Als iemand die vraag kan beantwoorden is het musicus Peter Bogaert. Volgende week dinsdag geeft hij het publiek van Studium Generale een muzikale geschiedenisles.

Studium Generale-lezing door Sheila Sitalsing

Mark Rutte, loyaal aan Ivo Opstelten en Glorix

In een goedbezochte Agora verzorgde Sheila Sitalsing gisteravond een lezing over Mark Rutte. De journaliste en columniste schreef een boek over de premier en nam de aanwezigen mee in de route die hij aflegde.

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Tussen Hoop en Vrees

‘We waren als Bosnische zwerfhondjes die onderdak vonden’

Tussen Hoop en Vrees is een drieluik van aangrijpende verhalen over UT’ers. Zij kregen het om uiteenlopende redenen zwaar te verduren in 2021, maar kijken hoopvol vooruit naar 2022. In deel twee: Hiska Bakker (57), medewerker van Studium Generale. Tijdens een emotionele periode, waarin haar dochter en vader in het ziekenhuis lagen, zag ze vooral de goedheid van de mens.

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Tussen Hoop en Vrees

‘We were like Bosnian stray dogs that found shelter’

Between Hope and Fear is a triptych of gripping stories about people from the UT. They've had a hard time in 2021 for various reasons but look forward to 2022 with hope. In part two: Hiska Bakker (57), employee of Studium Generale. During an emotional period, in which her daughter and father were hospitalised, she saw the goodness of people above all.

Week of Inspiration talk by Mindy Howard

‘Can you train yourself to stay calm during space flight?’

In a few years from now, Mindy Howard will almost certainly be the first Dutch woman in space. On the first day of the Week of Inspiration, she gave an enlightening lecture about her journey to become an astronaut and her work in training astronauts to be mentally prepared for the extremes of space.

Campus Life

‘There are two different Americas, living side by side’

Victor Vlam and Maarten Kolsloot, US experts who both previously worked with American presidential candidates, gave November’s first Studium Generale lecture yesterday evening in the Vrijhof. Over the course of about two hours, they gave an illuminating tour across America, through both space and time.

Campus Life

‘Why award a Nobel Prize in climate research now?’

Studium Generale hosted the 15th edition of the annual Nobel Lectures yesterday at Agora. Speakers Maarten van Aalst, Armagan Kocer and Jan van Maarseveen gave insightful explanations about the laureates’ work in the areas of Physics, Chemistry and Medicine.


‘Science night out’ only with Covid pass

Studium Generale is starting the autumn season of its programme next week. The public lectures will be held physically, as well as livestreamed, and all visitors will need to show a ‘Covid certificate’ before entry.

Alumnus Mart Rozema fietste de wereld over

‘In je eentje lunchen op een piramide heeft wel wat’

De meeste UT’ers staan na hun studie allesbehalve stil. Dat geldt zeker – en wel heel letterlijk – voor industrieel ontwerpen-alumnus Mart Rozema (29), die twee jaar lang de wereld rondfietste en in 28.500 kilometer drie continenten doorkruiste. Hij deelt aanstaande dinsdagavond zijn verhaal bij een online lezing van Studium Generale.

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