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Tom Veldkamp nieuwe rector

Voormalig ITC-decaan Tom Veldkamp (57) wordt de nieuwe rector magnificus van de UT. Hij volgt Thom Palstra op tijdens de dies natalis in november.

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Tom Veldkamp is the new rector

Former ITC dean Tom Veldkamp (57) will be the new Rector Magnificus of the UT. He’ll succeed Thom Palstra and officially begin his new position during the Dies Natalis in November.


ITC kicks off its academic year

The traditional ceremony 'Opening Academic Programme' of the ITC Faculty was held yesterday in the Muziekcentrum in Enschede. This annual event might have been last of its kind.


'ITC is the whole world in one building'

ITC (Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation) officially began its academic year today. New ITC students were welcomed not only by the faculty's dean, Professor Tom Veldkamp, but also by Daniel E. Irwin, a research scientist from NASA.


'Homo erectus langer in West-Turkije dan gedacht'

Tijdens een onderzoek in Turkije waar ook de faculteit ITC bij is betrokken, hebben wetenschappers een werktuig uit de steentijd gevonden dat 1,17 tot 1,24 miljoen jaar oud is. De vondst bewijst volgens ITC-decaan Tom Veldkamp dat de homo erectus veel langer in West-Turkije leeft dan eerder kon worden aangetoond.


Grand opening of ITC´s academic year

The opening ceremony of new academic year of the Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation, better known as ITC, took place on the 1st of October 2014. The event was held in the Grote Kerk in the center of Enschede, in a festive environment that welcomed 142 new students and many other important guests. The Academic Program 2014-2015 was officially opened by Lilianne Ploumen , Minister of Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation.


Ploumen: 'Bij ITC gebeurt het'

'Bij ITC gebeurt het, jullie zijn naar de juiste plaats gekomen.' Met die woorden verwelkomde Lilianne Ploumen woensdagmiddag 142 nieuwe studenten uit 32 verschillende landen. De minister van Buitenlandse Handel en Ontwikkelingssamenwerking opende in de Grote Kerk in Enschede het academisch jaar van de faculteit ITC.


ITC verwacht groei in 2014

Het gaat zo goed met de faculteit ITC dat de instelling in 2014 verwacht te groeien met zeker twintig fte. Dat zei decaan Tom Veldkamp, afgelopen maandag in zijn nieuwjaarsspeech.


ITC opens Academic Year

As the Procession of the Cortege filed into the Old Market Church, the sun broke through the clouds and greeted their smiling faces. The vast array of new students arose to greet the Professors as they marched through to the front of the Hall in this very formal yet informative ceremony. Students adjusted their brightly colored scarves, tunics, robes and suits as opening statements were made.