Proof of Concept Grants are given to current ERC grant holders, who can use the funding to see if their research findings can be brought to the market.
Professor Detlef Lohse (Physics of Fluids group) received the grant for his project NanoEX, focused on developing a nanoextraction prototype that could separate and detect micropollutants in one single and simple step. This would enable fast liquid analysis using nano droplets, and therefore quickly and easily detect what substances are present in a liquid. This technique could be used, for example, for tracing contaminants or tiny traces of medication.
Jeroen Rouwkema, an Associate Professor in the Department of Biomechanical Engineering, will use the grant for project SE3DPASTE (Structurally Engineered 3D Printed Architectures for Scalable Tissue Engineering). Rouwkema is working on a novel method for developing blood vessels within engineered tissues. Engineering vascular networks is a crucial step in creating cultured tissue that could one day replace donor organs and animal testing.