Update 21/9, 12:25 | Gym partially reopened
After a few adjustments, the indoor fitness has been partially reopened as of today. Only the rear section can be used. The front section cannot be used, until a solution is found for the ventilation system. The reservation procedure for the gym is still in force.
To test the gym for air circulation and ventilation, several tests were performed on Tuesday, including a test with smoke. The tests showed that the room does not meet the UT requirements, says head of Sport Sanne Kleinenberg. To be on the safe side, the room is therefore closed until further notice. ‘Now the windows and doors can still be opened, but if the temperature drops below twenty degrees, and the windows and doors have to be closed, an insufficiently safe situation arises according to UT standards.’
Since the summer, the Sports Center is partially open again. Athletes who have used the gym since then have not been in danger, says Kleinenberg. ‘We were able to open all the windows and doors in the summer. That provided sufficient ventilation. What's more, we worked with a reservation system. Users don't have to worry.’
It is not yet clear when the fitness will reopen. According to Kleinenberg, they are working hard on measures to make the room meet the requirements. ‘Maybe it will take a few days, maybe a few weeks. I don't know yet. Topvorm Twente has moved to the tribune of sports hall 2 with a set of equipment. You can't just stop the physical part of a rehabilitation session. For the rest, we're investigating which alternatives we can offer on campus.’
According to Kleinenberg there is understanding among the sporters for the closure. ‘They are happy that we take safety so seriously. It gives them a sense of confidence, they say. I even received an email about that. But I still regret it terribly. We just had everything up and running again. This is a step backwards.’