‘Sport Data Valley’ lab to be built on campus

| Michaela Nesvarova

Sport Data Valley lab is planned to be built in the UT Sports Centre this year. The lab is part of UT’s involvement in Sport Data Valley, a national infrastructure for research of sport data. This digital platform, which the UT helped to develop, was launched last month.

Sport Data Valley is a national platform for analysis and research of data on sports and movement,’ explains professor Joost Kok (Dean of EEMCS faculty), who leads the project. ‘The infrastructure should connect sports, science, companies and government and make science on sport much easier. The UT is a member of the consortium and we are contributing especially with our expertise on digital infrastructure.’

The ‘Valley’ consists of an online platform, as well as physical labs, one of which is to be opened on the UT campus soon. ‘This year we are planning to open a Sport Data Valley lab in the Sports Centre,’ says professor Kok. ‘It should be a physical space where you can show the advantages and possibilities of sports data analysis.’

Specifically, the lab will be located inside the sports cantina and will be equipped with a plenty of screens. ‘It could be connected to all the various sports and activities in the Sports Centre,’ continues the dean. ‘We are thinking of using real time artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze what is happening – at the very moment – on the field. Imagine that you could use the data analysis to change what the players are doing. But they are many other possibilities. Overall, we want to show off our strengths: sensing and AI.’  

The lab will be part of the Sport Data Valley, which aims to connect data from all over the country. ‘It can offer a new way to look at sport,’ says professor Kok. ‘On top of that, the platform also gives people a great toolbox on a neutral platform, which isn’t commercialized and will not sell their data. Anyone can sign up and be able to analyse training data. It also has great tools for researchers. We can show people how things work, give advice on how to move and possibly prevent injuries.’

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