The houses are divided into three complexes of three storeys high. The wooded area between the Boulevard and the athletics track has been designated as the site. According to the parties involved, construction will take place 'with an eye for the environment'. As few trees as possible will be felled, additional trees will be planted elsewhere on the campus and the architecture and layout of the new buildings will take into account the 'natural environment'.
The building project is a response to the room shortage among students. The new living spaces are intended for both Dutch and international students. Although they are 117 independent studios, 'the social aspect of living' will be taken into account, according to housing association De Veste. The complexes will therefore feature communal cooking and living areas on each floor.
The name for the new student flats is not yet known. The ground will be broken in September. The housing complexes are expected to be completed in the last quarter of 2024.