Alexandra Mulder crowned as UT's 'most active student'

| Stan Waning

The 'More Than A Degree' award ceremony, organised by the Student Union, was held on Thursday evening in the TechMed Centre. At the annual event, Alexandra Mulder, a bachelor's student in Mechanical Engineering, was voted the UT's most active student.

Mulder was president of Amnesty Twente last year, where she was involved in, among other things, the Let's Talk About Yes campaign. With the campaign Amnesty wanted to reduce sexual violence at the UT. In 2022, Mulder said that it was necessary to promote the campaign at universities. ‘I was born in Chile and when I came to the Netherlands, I would expect the situation around sexual violence to be much better, since I moved to a Western European country. But it appeared to be much worse.’

Other nominees for UT's most active student were An Pan and Sohan Nanwani. Prior to the event, people could vote for the nominees in five categories. Like last year, the event took place in the big hall of the TechMed Centre.

Categories and winners

Full-time board of the year: W.S.G. Isaac Newton
Part-time board of the year: Werkgroep Ontwikkelingstechnieken (WOT)
Event of the year: Summer Sounds
Entrepreneurial student of the year: David Elskamp (Technical Computer Science)
Most active student of the year: Alexandra Mulder


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