Episode 14: Chicken mustard stew

| Rianne Hagen

Another (crowd) favourite from Rianne's very own cooking book, this chicken mustard stew! Check out the video below!

Ingredients (serving 3)

  • 200 gr chicken
  • 500 gr small potatoes (krieltjes)
  • 1 broccoli
  • 250 gr cherry tomatoes
  • 200 gr grated (older) cheese
  • 3 TBS mustard
  • 200 gr crème fraiche
  • 500 ml chicken broth
  • 2 onions
  • Salt & pepper


Cut all your vegetables (except the potatoes) and chicken in small bite size pieces.

Preheat some oil in a pan on (medium) high heat.

Fry the onion for about 5 minutes, the heat can be quite high – you want to get some colour. Then add the potatoes, get some colour on them too and repeat for the chicken. It does not need to be cooked since it will stew for another 15 minutes afterwards.

If your chicken does not fit with your potatoes, get them out. This is worth it because the chicken needs to get enough contact with the pan to get a nice colour on it.

Add the potatoes back in if needed, add the broccoli and stir through quickly. Add the mustard, crème fraiche and chicken broth and stir through. Stew for 15 minutes (at least).

Add the cherry tomatoes 1 minute before serving. Serve with the cheese on top.

Eet smakelijk!

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