
Detecting elephants from space

Elephants have been struggling. Due to poaching and disruption of their habitat, elephant population in Africa has plummeted in the last hundred years. To protect them, we need to know where and how many there are – a tall order now made easier. In collaboration with the University of Oxford, ITC researcher Tiejun Wang has developed a method to detect and count elephants from space.

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Zeventig jaar ITC in tijdlijn gevangen

Waar de UT de leeftijd van zestig nog moet halen, viert de faculteit ITC vandaag haar zeventigjarig bestaan, op de verjaardag van oprichter Willem Schermerhorn. Geen groot feest vanwege de crisis, maar om het jubileum toch nog luister bij te zetten, maakte alumnicoördinator Jorien Terlouw een tijdlijn over zeven decennia ITC.

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Seventy years of ITC captured in timeline

Where the UT still has to reach the age of sixty, the ITC faculty celebrates its 70th anniversary today, on the birthday of founder Willem Schermerhorn. No big celebration because of the crisis, but to add sparkle to the anniversary, alumni coordinator Jorien Terlouw made a timeline covering the seven decades of ITC.

Master programme GEM

New joint Master for students who ‘want to tackle emerging global issues’

The University of Twente is starting a new joint Master programme GEM (Geo-information Science and Earth Observation for Environmental Modelling and Management) together with three other universities. First students will start the programme in September 2021.

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Langezijds wordt groen en sociaal thuis voor faculteit

‘Het ultieme sluitstuk van de integratie van ITC’

Alle lichten staan op groen voor Langezijds; dé nieuwe thuisbasis van de faculteit ITC. De sloopwerkzaamheden zijn in volle gang en de start van de verbouwing nadert. Kartrekkers Annemarie Arets en Rob Nengerman blikken alvast vooruit. ‘We bouwen een pand van de toekomst.’

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Langezijds becomes green and social home for faculty

'The ultimate finale to the integration of ITC'

All lights are on green for Langezijds; the new home base of the ITC faculty. Demolition work is in full swing and the start of the renovation is approaching. Project leaders Annemarie Arets and Rob Nengerman look ahead. 'We are creating a building of the future.'

UT researcher works on NASA team

‘We want to see what we can find in the earth’

‘I’m a remote sensing geologist,’ says Chris Hecker. Not a profession you hear of every day. The ITC researcher’s expertise has even earned him a spot on one of NASA’s Science and Application Teams, where he is leading project GeoHot. Its goal is to use a sensor on the International Space Station to find new geothermal fields.

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Tom Veldkamp nieuwe rector

Voormalig ITC-decaan Tom Veldkamp (57) wordt de nieuwe rector magnificus van de UT. Hij volgt Thom Palstra op tijdens de dies natalis in november.

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Tom Veldkamp is the new rector

Former ITC dean Tom Veldkamp (57) will be the new Rector Magnificus of the UT. He’ll succeed Thom Palstra and officially begin his new position during the Dies Natalis in November.

De Thuiswerkers

‘My room felt like a cage sometimes’

Our daily rhythm is temporarily disrupted. No more walks, bike rides or car rides to the campus. We are working from home. We call in instead of meeting face to face. How do you like your improvised home office and what tips can we share? Fardad Maghsoudi Moud, a PhD candidate at ITC, talks about his situation.

De Thuiswerkers

‘Ik mis de loopjes, de vraagjes, de koffie’

Ons ritme ligt tijdelijk overhoop. Niet langer onze dagelijkse wandeling, fietstocht of autorit naar de campus, maar thuiswerken. Hoe bevalt het werken vanuit de geïmproviseerde werkplek en welke tips kunnen we delen? Voor Simon Engelberts, informatiemanager bij de faculteit ITC, blijft het gemis van collega’s een ding.


Nieuwe ITC-basis op campus ‘groen en sociaal’

De faculteit ITC krijgt op de campus een gebouw met een ‘sociaal hart’ en drie binnentuinen die met elkaar verbonden zijn. Het college van bestuur en de faculteit zijn akkoord met het voorlopig ontwerp voor de verbouwing van gebouw Langezijds. Over twee jaar kan de faculteit verhuizen.


UT students want to make freshwater out of seawater

Making drinking water out of seawater. That is the main idea behind Briney’s, an initiative started by a group of UT students. They plan to separate salt from seawater, and therefore produce freshwater, by using reverse osmosis. ‘The innovation is not in the technology, but in connecting it to the commercial market. The remaining salt will be sold in developed countries.’


‘Accepting the job wasn’t difficult at all’

Justine Blanford is the first professor with a focus on education at the University of Twente, a new position that she started on the 1st of April. ‘Finding the balance between research and teaching is very difficult, so I’m excited to help and make this happen.’

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Opnameapparatuur gevonden in ITC Hotel

Een nachtsurveillant heeft onder deuren van studentenkamers in het ITC International Hotel audio-opnameapparatuur geplaatst. De UT deed aangifte tegen de beveiliger bij de politie, die de zaak nu verder onderzoekt.

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Recording equipment found in ITC Hotel

A night security guard has installed audio recording equipment under the doors of student rooms at the ITC International Hotel. The UT filed a report against the security guard to the police, who is now investigating the case further.

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