Meet the teacher

Meet the teacher: Claudio Persello

What makes a good teacher? Where does the passion for passing on knowledge come from? In the series ‘Meet the teacher’ we focus on people who are truly dedicated to education. In this episode we introduce Claudio Persello, Assistant Professor and a teacher at the Department of Earth Observation Science at ITC.


Spatial Engineering in september van start

De nieuwe ITC-master Spatial Engineering gaat komend collegejaar van start. Onderwijsmanager Tiny Luiten is daar ‘blij mee’, zeker gezien de het uitstel van vorig jaar. Volgens Luiten kreeg de master een mooie beoordeling van de NVAO. ‘Ze prijzen het project-gestuurd onderwijs.’


ITC slaat handen ineen met NASA

De faculteit ITC gaat een tienjarige samenwerking aan met NASA. Afgelopen woensdag tekenden beide partijen de overeenkomst op het hoofdkwartier van NASA in Washington.


‘We have issues that usual Bata teams don’t think of’

Every year more than 8,500 runners participate in the Batavierenrace, the world’s largest relay race. With its 46th edition being held this month, on the 21st of April, we asked four Bata teams to present themselves. This week we bring you the ITC team Run4Fun, which is coached by ITC staff members Wan Bakx and Simon Engelberts.


ITC researcher: ‘Land degradation is at a critical point’

Scientists and representatives of 129 countries met up last week at a global UN conference in Medellín, Colombia - to discuss scientific insight into the effects of nature and land degradation worldwide. Among them was an ITC researcher Wieteke Willemen who warns: ‘If we keep degrading nature, we will feel it very hard.’

On the spot

‘I want to show my kids what the world is made of’

We work next to each other almost every day, but how well do we really know our colleagues? U-Today is curious about the personal stories of the UT support and management staff and we bring you these stories in this series ‘On the spot’. In this episode we introduce Jorien Terlouw, the ITC Alumni Coordinator.

Meet the teacher

Meet the teacher: Mila Koeva

What makes a good teacher? Where does the passion for passing on knowledge come from? In the series ‘Meet the teacher’ we focus on people who are truly dedicated to education. In this episode we introduce Mila Koeva, assistant professor and a teacher at the Department of Urban and Regional Planning and Geo-information at ITC.


UT en Rode Kruis schenken leerstoel aan prinses Margriet

De UT en het Rode Kruis schenken prinses Margriet ter ere van haar 75e verjaardag een naar haar vernoemde leerstoel. Deze bijzondere leerstoel aan de faculteit ITC gaat zich richten op onderzoek naar het voorkomen van rampen en mensen weerbaarder maken.


Africa is splitting up

‘In the right place, at the right time’ almost never applies to earthquakes. Nevertheless, ITC professor Mark van der Meijde uses this expression when he talks about an earthquake that happened earlier this year in Botswana. It confirmed exactly what his colleagues and he suspected: the African soil is completely unlike what scientists have always believed it to be – which can have major consequences for the continent.


FOBOS-regeling ook voor ITC

ITC-studenten hebben vanaf 2018 recht op de regeling Financiële Ondersteuning Bijzondere Omstandigheden Studenten (FOBOS), net als andere UT-studenten. De Uraad ging vanmorgen akkoord met het voorstel.


30 miljoen meer voor huisvesting en onderhoud

Er komt meer geld beschikbaar voor het Lange Termijn Strategisch Huisvestingsplan (LTSH). De looptijd van het huidige LTSH wordt met twee jaar verlengd en duurt nu tot 2023. Daar is een bedrag van dertig miljoen euro mee gemoeid.


ITC helps to establish a Slovenian centre on 3D geodata

The ITC Faculty of the University of Twente is one of the partners in SLICE3D, European collaboration focused on establishing Slovenian Centre of Excellence on 3D Geodata.

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