
Well-being survey: Doctoral candidates impacted by loneliness

Results of a well-being survey show that UT doctoral candidates are impacted by loneliness and wish for more sense of belonging. The survey was conducted by the EQUITY working group from P-NUT (PhD Network of the University of Twente) from December 2021 to February 2022.

PhD stories

‘It’s a great opportunity to focus on something so deeply’

Students or researchers? PhD and EngD candidates fall into a category of their own. What is it like to navigate the sometimes lonely road towards a doctoral degree? In this monthly series, we put young academics of the University of Twente in the limelight. This episode gives the stage to Anurag Kulshrestha from the department of Earth Observation Science.

International PhD candidate speaks up about exclusion and discrimination

'They talk of an inclusive and international university, but that is not the reality I have experienced'

After a recent traumatic event, Rupsa Basu, PhD candidate at the University of Twente, decided to speak up about exclusion and discrimination that she has experienced on campus and beyond. Here is her story, in her own words. ‘I know other international PhDs have similar experiences but they are afraid to speak up.’

PhD stories

‘I didn’t expect it to be so emotionally difficult’

Students or researchers? PhD and PDEng candidates fall into a category of their own. What is it like to navigate the sometimes lonely road towards a doctoral degree? In this monthly series, we put young academics of the University of Twente in the limelight. This episode gives the stage to Monica Pena Acosta from Construction Management & Engineering group.


Laurens Spoelstra wint TGS Award én PhD-contract

Laurens Spoelstra (23) mag zich dit jaar de winnaar noemen van de TGS Award, die vandaag werd uitgereikt bij de opening van het academisch jaar. De UT’er – die binnenkort start met zijn PhD – hoopt de komende jaren een verschil te maken in de ontwikkeling van een medicijn tegen artritis met Joint-on-Chip-technologie.


Van vmbo naar een goedgekeurd proefschrift: ‘Wist niet eens wat een PhD was’

Het proefschrift van Frances Wijnen werd deze maand goedgekeurd. Eind oktober mag ze haar werk verdedigen. Dat doet ze met trots, want de route die ze aflegde was lang en steil. Een verhaal over doorzettingsvermogen, leren te leren en vooroordelen over onderwijsniveaus.

PhD stories
PhD Stories: Nienke van Dongen

‘It has been a rollercoaster but I’ve enjoyed the ride’

Students or researchers? PhD and PDEng candidates fall into a category of their own. What is it like to navigate the sometimes lonely road towards a doctoral degree? In this monthly series, we put young academics of the University of Twente in the limelight. This episode gives the stage to Nienke van Dongen from the BIOS Lab-on-a-Chip chair.


‘Animals can’t advocate for themselves, but I can be their voice’

‘People are becoming more aware of animals and that they deserve respect,’ says Norma Contreras Hernandez, PhD researcher at the UT Department of Governance and Technology for Sustainability. Today she is defending her doctoral thesis dedicated to animal protection in her home country of Mexico.

PhD stories

‘I like the freedom of doing a PhD’

Students or researchers? PhD and PDEng candidates fall into a category of their own. What is it like to navigate the sometimes lonely road towards a doctoral degree? In this monthly series, we put young academics of the University of Twente in the limelight. This episode gives the stage to Sergio Alvarado Vazquez from the department of Urban and Regional Planning and Geo-Information Management.

PhD stories
Vasileios Trikalitis

‘As a PhD, you have four years when you simply cannot fail’

Students or researchers? PhD and PDEng candidates fall into a category of their own. What is it like to navigate the sometimes lonely road towards a doctoral degree? In this monthly series, we put young academics of the University of Twente in the limelight. This episode gives the stage to Vasileios Trikalitis, PhD researcher at Vascularization Lab and Product Innovation Manager at IamFluidics.

PhD stories
Aurora Ruiz Rodríguez

‘With everything I do, I want to improve someone’s life’

Students or researchers? PhD and PDEng candidates fall into a category of their own. What is it like to navigate the sometimes lonely road towards a doctoral degree? In this monthly series, we put young academics of the University of Twente in the limelight. This episode gives the stage to Aurora Ruiz Rodríguez, computer scientist from the Biomechanical Engineering group.


Emotions as a food lie detector

Customers often decide which product to buy based on ‘feelings’. Daisuke Kaneko, PhD researcher at the UT, studied how emotions could be used to predict food choices – and how this differs across cultures. The doctoral candidate in the Human Media Interaction group is defending his thesis tomorrow.

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