
‘The academic world is very hostile’

What does the academic world look like if you at it through the eyes of your daughters? That was the main question guiding yesterday’s debate in Vrijhof organized by Studium Generale and Human Resources department of the UT.

Campus Life

Nobel lectures about lasers, enzymes and antibodies

The Nobel Lectures were held yesterday at the Amphitheater. Speakers Herman Offerhaus, Dick Janssen and Leonie Mekenkamp explained the research of the Nobel Prize winners in the fields of physics, chemistry and medicine this year.

Campus Life
UT-alumna Rosalie Fleuren over Nederlandse cabaretontwikkeling

‘Benader je álles met humor, dan verliest het impact’

Liefhebber van Hans Teeuwen? Of fan van Toon Hermans? Gisteravond sprak UT-alumna Rosalie Fleuren over de ontwikkeling van cabaret tijdens Studium Generale. Onderwerpen als vrouwen en humor en de comedy train kwamen in de Vrijhof voorbij.


‘We feel really strong that we managed to survive’

Can one be hopeful about starting anew, having experienced the worst – ‘a war’? The symposium ‘The Will Power of The People of Syria’ organized yesterday in the Vrijhof by Studium Generale in cooperation with the association Connecting Hands shed light onto how one can make the most of a war situation.


‘Reep chocolade: 17.000 liter water’

Studium Generale trapte gisteravond haar najaarseizoen af met de lezing ‘Onzichtbaar Water’ van UT-alumnus Rick Hogeboom. De oud UT’er sprak over de ecologische en maatschappelijke impact van grootschalig waterverbruik.


Five study associations head to Japan

What do Proto, ConcepT, Daedalus, Inter-Actief and Paradoks have in common? Not a whole lot, some would say, but now all five study associations are planning to visit Japan. Studium Generale hosted a lecture and workshop this week to prepare them for the potential culture shock that is awaiting them.

Johnny Søraker

From academic philosophy to Google

Before becoming a Google's policy specialist, Johnny Søraker had a long and thriving career as an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the UT. One year after leaving the world of academia, Søraker came back to the University of Twente yesterday to give a lecture and explain what a philosopher can contribute to tech companies.

Lecture by sports psychologist

Dealing with Bata and study pressure

Do you have an exam coming up? Are you participating in the Batavierenrace and feel pressure to run as fast as you can? Sports psychologist Rico Schuijers gave a guest lecture yesterday as part of the Studium Generale program on how you can best deal with this kind of stress.


Killer robots: ‘Be afraid, be a little afraid’

Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking already warned us: beware of artificial intelligence and ban lethal autonomous weapons. In a symposium organised by Studium Generale yesterday, three experts gave their opinion.


Studenten passen voor IkPas

Studenten waren de grote afwezigen bij de IkPas-avond van Studium Generale. Drie ‘alcoholkenners’ lieten dinsdagavond in het Amphitheater hun licht schijnen over de IkPas-campagne die mensen aanspoort om 30 dagen geen druppel alcohol te drinken.


The human face of North Korea

What hides behind the happy facade of the charming and synchronized North Korean cheerleaders? In the latest Studium Generale, professor Remco Breuker, a specialist on Korean Studies, shared his insights and concerns about this 21st-century dictatorship.


Burn-out? ‘Luister naar je hart’

Een driedubbele master, een bestuursjaar, en een druk sociaal leven. Voor veel jongeren heel normaal. Maar sociaal psycholoog en ervaringsdeskundige Nienke Thurlings, gisteravond te gast bij Studium Generale, is van mening dat we meer naar ons hart moeten luisteren en dat de snelheid omlaag kan. Want een burn-out ligt zo op de loer.

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