And with that we close our liveblog about the Kick-In 2020. See you next year!
From completely physical to (almost) entirely online. The Kick-In turned out quite different from previous years due to the coronavirus. 'Even with all the measures in place, we have managed to create a great event,' says chairman Sabine de Winter. Read her reflection on the introduction week here.
The Kick-In is almost over. As U-Today we would like to provide you freshmen with a few more tips to finish things up...
How do you get to know a student association during a pandemic? U-Today previously made a series about the Pakkerij, home to four of the larger student associations in Enschede: Audentis, Taste, AEGEE and Alpha. Just for the first year students U-Today will publish the stories again, so that they too can get to know Enschede's student life. In this last episode: Algemene Studenten Vereniging Taste.
The physical part of the Kick-In started yesterday on campus, with workshops and guided tours.
According to a spokesman of GGD Twente, the organization does not carry out any additional corona checks during the Kick-In. 'That's not our task. Our role is to detect the virus afterwards by means of a source and contact check. We are confident that the organization and the students will adhere to the current regulations. There are also specific agreements in place with the Twente Safety Region.’ The spokespersons cannot say anything about possible infections among first-year students. ‘We do not make any statements about individual cases. It is only in the case of a cluster (three or more infections from the same source) that we may make a statement about this.’
Starting a study at is a leap of faith in any case. But starting one in the midst of a global pandemic can make things even more uncertain. Four international freshmen were willing to share their expectations and concerns with us. ‘I want to get the maximum out of my experience abroad. Worrying too much won’t help with that.’
How do you get to know a student association during a pandemic? U-Today previously made a series about the Pakkerij, home to four of the larger student associations in Enschede: Audentis, Taste, AEGEE and Alpha. Just for the first year students U-Today will publish the stories again, so that they too can get to know Enschede's student life. In this third episode: AEGEE.
The physical part of the Kick-In started yesterday on campus. With time slots and triages, none was left to chance. U-Today wrote a reportage about the day.

Today is the first day of the Kick-In with room for physical activities, including a campus tour and workshops to introduce the multitude of associations the UT has to offer.
Hard to imagine this was the scene on the second day of the Kick-In 2015: hundreds of students going for a morning workout - after a visibly tough night before.
How do you get to know a student association during a pandemic? U-Today previously made a series about the Pakkerij, home to four of the larger student associations in Enschede: Audentis, Taste, AEGEE and Alpha. Just for the first year students U-Today will publish the stories again, so that they too can get to know Enschede's student life. In this second episode: C.S.V. Alpha.
The Kick-In Committee advised participants not to meet in student houses, because the one-half meter rule is difficult to maintain there. Many kiddo's and parents therefore found a save haven last night in the Enschede parks, such as here in the Van Heekpark.
According to the Kick-In committee, this Kick-In edition has about 1900 registered participants at the moment - which is higher than the first day of the introduction period last year.
Although the Kick-In committee has created an impressive online, and partly offline, program, it takes some time getting used to the 'new normal'. We therefore present you with some pictures from then and today, for old times' sake...

Photos: Entrance of the Opening market (2016), several sport and student associations at the Opening market (2018), performance by comedian Adam Fields during the Kick-In Open Class in the open air theatre (2016 - Gijs van Ouwerkerk)
In 30 minutes, the Kick-In 2020 will officially start with an online opening show. You can check out the livestream below:
How do you get to know a student association during a pandemic? U-Today previously made a series about the Pakkerij, home to four of the larger student associations in Enschede: Audentis, Taste, AEGEE and Alpha. Just for the first year students U-Today will publish the stories again, so that they too can get to know Enschede's student life. Starting with Audentis et Virtutis.
On Monday evening, the Twente safety region approved the Kick-In plans for physical activities.
These so-called 'physical' parts of the programme consist of both a campus and city tour, workshops of sports, world and culture associations and joint eating moments, such as a Pizza Diner and a Foodtruck Drive Through Diner.
All physical activities are subject to strict rules. They are small-scale, informative, non-alcoholic and have to stop before 10pm. Participants must also register in advance for various time slots.
We start off this liveblog with this year's official anthem, called 'Time to Discover' by Robin Kusters and Yanick Brezet.