Create Tomorrow cancelled again

| Rense Kuipers

Once again, an organising committee for Create Tomorrow has not been found. The large-scale student think tank will therefore not take place this academic year. In the meantime, the Student Union is working on a new set-up for the event.

Archive U-Today: during the last edition of Create Tomorrow.

In recent years, the search for an organising committee for Create Tomorrow has been difficult, to say the least. In both 2022 and 2024 , the event was cancelled due to a lack of enthusiasm for an organising committee. This is also the case for the 2025 edition.

The Student Union (SU) is currently working on a new set-up of Create Tomorrow. 'The event allows students to come into contact with entrepreneurship in an accessible way. We want to keep that core in the renewed set-up,' says SU director Tjerk Zweers. 'Although we do want to try to spice up Create Tomorrow, without sacrificing the well-known and appreciated atmosphere.'

Organisation more accessible

'The event itself is rock solid', adds SU chair Annick Bijlsma. 'But we have to see how we can organise it in a different way. Create Tomorrow is all about entrepreneurship. It fits in with an entrepreneurial mindset to review the organisation of the event.'

After all, it is no secret that activism at the UT has been under pressure in recent years. A lack of time in particular plays a role in this, according to a recent survey by the Student Union and the University Innovation Fellows. 'What you see at the UT fits in a national trend: the interest in a board year is declining and the pool of active students is getting smaller,' says Bijlsma. 'You notice that effect more at a broader event like Create Tomorrow, because you don't have a clear committed constituency compared to, for example, an association.'

When Create Tomorrow should take place in a renewed form, the SU board members cannot make any statements about that for the time being. What that other organisation should look like and whether financial incentives – such as in the search for a new Kick-In committee – will play a role, the board members do not want to anticipate that either. 'In any case, it should be made more accessible to organise,' says Zweers.

About Create Tomorrow

Create Tomorrow has long been known as 'the world's largest student think tank'. The event started in 2005 as a lustrum activity of the Student Union and was organised as a biennial event in the following years. Students worked in groups for a day on an innovative solution to a case submitted by an organisation or company.

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