
SBD to become a service department

Strategic Business Development can become a service department. The University Council unanimously agreed to the plans this morning, including two commitments agreed to by the Executive Board: an evaluation after two years and the instalment of a participation body within SBD.


Council worries about financial situation of students

The University Council (UC) has concerns about financial situation of UT students during the corona crisis. They ask that the university assists and guides students to resolve their financial issues. This topic was addressed during a digital meeting with the Executive Board today.


Piepklein protest van politieke jongeren tegen leenstelsel

Massale demonstraties tegen het leenstelsel zitten er voorlopig niet in, maar de jongeren van acht politieke partijen wilden graag in Den Haag hun steun uitspreken voor de campagne #nietmijnschuld.

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Library remains open, group size to two

After yesterday evening's press conference, the UT will not escape additional measures: the maximum group size will be two people inside and outside. The most important exception is the university library, which remains open. The consequences of a possible regional lockdown are still uncertain.

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Bieb blijft open, groepsgrootte naar twee

Na de persconferentie van gisteravond ontkomt de UT niet aan extra maatregelen: de maximale groepsgrootte gaat zowel binnen als buiten naar twee personen. Belangrijkste uitzondering is de universiteitsbibliotheek, die blijft open. Wat de gevolgen zijn van een mogelijke regionale lockdown is nog onzeker.


Vidi grant for two UT researchers

UT researchers Tatiana Filatova and Rebecca Saive both received a Vidi grant from Dutch research financer NWO. Out of 503 submissions, NWO awarded the grants worth a maximum of €800.000 to 81 researchers.


Ook in Groningen geen tentamens door ict-storing

Na de eerdere problemen aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam kampt deze week ook de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen met een grote ict-storing tijdens online tentamens. Honderden toetsen zijn geschrapt.

We watch, America votes

‘I have gotten closer to my American roots again’

Be it in fear, hope, excitement or indifference, the world holds its breath as we await the USA presidential election today. In this fourth and final episode, American UT students, Evelyn Karelse and Roos de Vries, share their thoughts on the election, the political climate and the Dutch and American way of living.


Aanslag op universiteit in Kabul

Er zijn zeker negentien doden en 22 gewonden gevallen bij een aanval op de grootste universiteit van de Afghaanse hoofdstad Kabul. Gewapende mannen schoten op de campus om zich heen en lieten bommen ontploffen.

We watch, America votes

‘I wish people would yell at Mark Rutte more’

Be it in fear, hope, excitement or indifference, the world holds its breath as we await the USA presidential election this Tuesday. Three American UT employees share their thoughts on the election, the political climate and the Dutch and American way of living. This third episode: Patrick Taylor Smith, assistant professor at the Philosophy department (BMS faculty).


Sports Data Science as new Master specialization

The UT will soon offer a new study specialization: Sports Data Science. Organized in collaboration with the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU), the track will be a part of the Data Science Master’s programme from spring 2021.


Tien vragen over het bindend studieadvies

De discussie over het bindend studieadvies is weer volop losgebarsten nu de standpunten in de Tweede Kamer aan het verschuiven zijn. Maar waar gaat het ook alweer over?

We watch, America votes

‘I believe the best patriot is a critical patriot’

Be it in fear, hope, excitement or indifference, the world holds its breath as we await the USA presidential election this Tuesday. Three American UT employees share their thoughts on the election, the political climate and the Dutch and American way of living. This second episode: Michael Marshall, assistant professor at the Department of Natural Resources (ITC faculty).

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