Let's focus
Episode #4: Indonesia

‘The campus is a big advantage for us’

The University of Twente is actively working on its international profile - by setting up collaborations all over the world, with a special attention on so called ‘focus countries’. In this series we explore what it takes to convince students and researchers from often the other side of the planet that the UT is ‘the place to be’. In this episode we take a look at Indonesia.


Decaan Hans Hilgenkamp: terug naar wetenschap

Eigenlijk zou Hilgenkamp per september zijn decanaat van de faculteit TNW beëindigen. Maar hij ging in op het verzoek van het college van bestuur om er een paar maanden aan vast te plakken. Hilgenkamp wil zich weer volledig richten op het onderzoek.

Schoonmaakster Jenny Kwekkeboom met pensioen

‘Ik heb zin in een leven zonder wekker’

Nog een paar dagen en de schoonmaakster van de Vrijhof, Jennie Kwekkeboom, gaat na 51 jaar fysiek werk met pensioen. De caravan wacht, het huis in Glanerbrug gaat op de kop. ‘De UT missen? Welnee, ik heb zin in een leven zonder wekker.’

Afscheid Kees Eijkel

‘Ik ben van het bouwen’

Hij behoort na 34 jaar UT bijna tot het meubilair: Kees Eijkel. Vanaf 1 december maakt de huidige directeur Strategic Business Development de overstap naar het Delftse QuTech waar hij directeur business development wordt.

Let's focus
Episode #3: Mexico

‘Since Trump was elected, Mexicans turn to Europe more’

The University of Twente is actively working on its international profile - by setting up collaborations all over the world, with a special attention on so called ‘focus countries’. In this series we explore what it takes to convince students and researchers from often the other side of the planet that the UT is ‘the place to be’. In this episode we shine a spotlight on Mexico.

Ian Gibson

‘Fraunhofer has to be successful’

‘It’s unusual for me to make plans, but my plan is to ensure that the Fraunhofer Project Center is successful. That is imperative,’ says Ian Gibson, the new scientific director of the said center and Professor of Design Engineering at the University of Twente.


Electric Superbike racet volgend jaar met twee motoren

Het raceseizoen voor studententeam Electric Superbike Twente zit erop. Moe, maar voldaan en met een Europese titel op zak, gaan de vijftien studenten weer de collegebanken in. Teamleider Tim Veldhuis blikt terug en kijkt vooruit.

Let's focus
Episode #2: India

‘Our local Indian office makes a huge difference’

The University of Twente is actively working on its international profile - by setting up collaborations all over the world, with a special attention on so called ‘focus countries’. In this series we explore what it takes to convince students and researchers from often the other side of the planet that the UT is ‘the place to be’. In this episode we shine a spotlight on India.


‘Glas bewerken zoals hier, dat leer je niet op school’

Soms komen er opvallende vacatures voorbij. De UT zoekt een glasinstrumentmaker. Reden genoeg om eens de benedenverdieping van Carré in te gaan, waar huidig glasbewerker Roy Kooijman (30) aan zijn laatste glas- en keramiekopdrachten werkt.

Let's focus
Episode #1: Introduction to focus countries

‘Focus countries are quality partners with high standards’

The University of Twente is actively working on its international profile - by setting up collaborations all over the world, with a special attention on so called 'focus countries'. What are they? How are they selected? And how does one small university get a whole country on board? In this series about various focus countries, we take the lid off the intricate world of internationalization.

A new generation of crime research

‘It’s my ambition to develop groundbreaking solutions’

There is a new face among the professors at the University of Twente. Using virtual reality, serious gaming and other innovative methods, Jean-Louis van Gelder is here to lay the groundwork for the next generation of crime research.

Sonia García Blanco

‘Do what you like and go for it’

How does a girl from a small town in Spain grow up to be an expert on Integrated Optics at the University of Twente? The answer involves NASA, Braveheart, prestigious grants and, most importantly, love for technology. ‘I’ve never considered doing anything else. Chips and small devices have always fascinated me,’ says Sonia García Blanco, Associate Professor at the Optical Sciences group.

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