UT-student Wouter Grob bracht onlangs zijn eerste dichtbundel Poetry With Passion uit. De student werktuigbouwkunde maakte deze bundel omdat hij moeilijk over zijn gevoelens en emoties praat, maar zich wel kan uiten in gedichten. Die gaan veelal over liefde, verdriet, angsten, slapeloze nachten en mentale problemen.
UT student Wouter Grob recently published his first poetry collection Poetry With Passion. The Mechanical Engineering student created this collection because he has difficulty with showing his feelings and emotions, but he is good at expressing them in poems. The poems are mostly about love, sadness, anxieties, sleepless nights and mental problems.
Veel internationale studenten hebben weleens last van mentale problemen. De helft wil meer contact met Nederlandse studenten en één op de vier voelt zich hier niet thuis.
Many international students experience mental health issues from time to time. Half of them would like more contact with Dutch students and one in four does not feel at home here.