Duitenberg: about stocks, ties, whiskey and cigars

| Jari Dokter

The UT has countless clubs, fraternities, sororities and associations. What keeps them going? What binds the members together? In this fortieth episode: Student Investment Association Duitenberg.

In a small office on the third floor of the Bastille, it’s not games being played—it’s serious money being made. At least, that’s the hope of the members of Duitenberg, who invest in stocks with the ambition of making a profit. However, the student investment association isn’t just about the money. ‘Besides analyzing stocks and discussing investments, we love to have a good time. Our members enjoy challenging each other for a game of chess, organize poker nights, or grab a drink together,’ says chairman Bas Visscher (24). ‘And of course, we can’t forget our annual whisky and cigar night.’

Duitenberg is more than just money

Three times a week, various members gather to analyze the stock market. ‘Monday and Thursday are our analysis nights. While we mainly focus on traditional stock investments during these evenings, we are also exploring the possibilities of forming a crypto committee as well. On these nights, members pitch their ideas and share their experiences about different companies, and we decide which stocks to invest in,’ says Visscher. ‘On Wednesdays, we host guest lectures from former Duitenberg members, investment experts, companies, and speakers from the financial world. They provide insights into topics such as macroeconomics and how the investment industry operates. Recently, for example, Martijn Rozemuller spoke at Studium Generale on campus. After such a lecture, we usually head towards the city center, the sports canteen, or our own Duitenberg room for some socializing.’

According to Patrick Filipoiu (22), who joined in 2022, these lectures offer more than just knowledge and experience. ‘They’re also a huge boost to your network. Through our connections with Duitenberg alumni—many of whom now hold positions at major companies—our members can secure internships more quickly and easily during their studies.’

One of those alumni connections even led to a study tour in London in 2023. A former Duitenberg member arranged an exclusive visit to the Norddeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale (NORD/LB). And that visit proved highly valuable. ‘It directly landed one of our members an internship,’ says Visscher. Duitenberg was also warmly welcomed at the headquarters of private equity firm Larchpoint Capital. ‘As a small player, you don’t usually walk through those doors,’ the members proudly note.

‘Het fort’

The Bastille isn’t Duitenberg’s only home base. In Enschede, there is also ‘The Fort,’ as the members call it. ‘At the moment, only one Duitenberg member lives in the house,’ says Filipoiu. ‘But we’re approaching a milestone. For nearly ten years, at least one of our members has always lived there.’

The Fort is important to the members and a key focus this year. ‘We want to keep the house within the association, as it holds so many memories,’ says the chairman. ‘It’s where we host barbecues, Kick-In parties, and Christmas dinners. The balcony overlooking the garden is especially significant. That’s where we give speeches to the Duitenberg members gathered below. It’s always an unforgettable moment. We hope more of our members will live there in the future.’

Money, stocks, suits, ties, whisky, and cigars—it all sounds like a men’s club, doesn’t it? ‘In the past, women have been on the board as well. But yes, about 80 to 90 percent of our members are men. That’s probably due to the nature of our topics,’ the two members explain.

‘On Friday, May 2, we are hosting our annual whisky and cigar night. Interested ladies and gentlemen are welcome to come and experience the Duitenberg culture for themselves.’

RTL Z Stock Market Game

The investment association has been around since 1986 and has a long history. One of its biggest highlights came a few years ago, in 2018. A memory that still holds a place of honor in the association’s headquarters. ‘That year, RTL Z organized a nationwide stock market game. Each team was given a fictional budget of 100,000 euros to invest. The team that achieved the highest return won the competition,’ explains the chairman. ‘Duitenberg emerged victorious and claimed the title. As winners, they were invited to open the Amsterdam Stock Exchange by ringing the famous gong. They also received a tour of the Damrak and a trophy.’

Are the members now addicted to investing? ‘Not exactly, but I do find myself checking my phone more often to see how my stocks are doing,’ Visscher admits.

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